Laboratory of Cell Engineering


Head of the laboratory

Dr. Kairat Uteulin,  Associate Professor

Fax:  +7(727) 394 7562

Phone: 8 705 185 0224


Author ID Scopus  6602865844

Researcher ID Web of Science L-3508-2018

ORCID ID 0000-0002-5459-0902


Laboratory staff

Kershanskaya O.I. — Chief Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.

Terletskaya N.V. — Leading Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor.

Lee T.E. — Leading Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences.

Yesenbayeva G.L. — Senior Researcher, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

Mukiyanova G.S. — Researcher, Ph. D.

Bari G.T., — Researcher, Ph. D Student.

Jobulaeva A.K. — Researcher, Master.

Altaeva N.A. — Researcher.

Kuly Zh. — Laboratory assistant, Master.

Maulenbay A. — Laboratory assistant, Master.

Sadullaeva Z.N. – Laboratory assistant.


The purpose of the laboratory strategy — development and introduction of physiological, biochemical and bioengineering methods of rapid creation, evaluation and breeding resistant to stress and crop yields.


The main directions of scientific research at laboratory:

Evaluation and establishment of the modern breakthrough biotechnologies for genetic engineering, metabolic engineering, …omix technologies, genes and genomes plant editing to create highly productive, disease and pest-resistant elite genotypes and cultivars of the major priority crops in agriculture.

Study of the biochemical and molecular genetic mechanisms of the resistance of grain and leguminous crops to abiotic stresses, and improving the quality and productivity.

Development of technologies for introducing kok-saghyz, a domestic producer of natural rubber, into the culture.

 Main results of activity (for the last 5 years):

Genetic constructions of key genes to combat micropathogens and viruses penetration and infecting in barley have been created: Ac gene — chitinase that destroys the cell wall of microfungies; constriction for plant CRISPR / Cas9 genome editing and knockout of gene eukaryotic virus translation initiation factor (eIF4E) that involved in translation of many viruses caused crops diseases. A new simple and effective genotype-independent germ-line biotechnology method for genetic transformation of barley has been developed and patented. Genetic editing approaches for the barley eIF4E gene have been developed, including bombardment and Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformations. Genetic editing (modification) of the eIF4E gene is performing. Edited CRISPR / Cas9 barley lines with modification of the eIF4E gene resistant to many viral diseases will be created.

Approaches to improve the natural resistance of plants to biotic stresses and to create disease-resistant soybean lines by genetic engineering of the phenylpropanoid cycle have been developed. Genetic engineering techniques for increasing the biosynthesis of lignin — a natural anti-microbial compound, to improve the control of micro-pathogens that caused diseases have been established. Genetic constructions of the key genes of phenylpropanoid cycle have been elaborated and applied in the genetic transformation of soybean: transcription factor Cs/MYB4sens; the main lignification genes — 35S/PAL5, C4H/F5H, 35S/CAD1, as well as gene antioxidant stress — FeSOD. The biotechnology of A. tumefaciens mediated germ-line genetic transformation of soybean plants was elaborated and  optimized for the introduction of key genes of lignin biosynthesis and resistance to biotic stresses and was used to obtain T0 transgenes with the fficiency of beans forming 90% of transformed seeds number. Metabolic profiling of transgenic soybean plants showed a composition changing and an increasing of content of the most important metabolites of the phenylpropanoid cycle: flavonols, phenolic acids, genistin, saponins — antioxidants involved in protecting plants from biotic stresses.

So, the transition from Genomics to Metabolomics was carried out by improving the most important metabolic process — the phenylpropanoid cycle in soybean plants using genetic engineering techniques to improve resistance to biotic stresses — diseases caused by micropathogens.

New interspecific drought-resistant wheat hybrids with high grain quality for various purposes of the food industry were obtained.

Kok-saghyz breeding technologies have been developed.

Methods for the extraction of rubber from Kok-saghyz roots have been developed.


Projects and programs (for the last 5 years):

Project leader O. Kershanskaya 2018-2020. Program 217 «Development of Science.» 102 «Grant financing». Priority: Life Sciences. Project IRN AP05132774 «Evaluation and establishment of new biotechnologies for CRISPR/Cas9 genes editing and germ-line genetic transformation to create elite disease-resistant barley cultivars in Kazakhstan».

Project leader O. Kershanskaya 2013-2015. Sub-program 101 Grant funding research. Priority:  Intellectual potential of the country. 0553 / GF3. «Improving the soybean’s resistance to biotic stresses through genetic engineering of the phenylpropanoid cycle».

Project leader Terletskay N.V. 2018-2020 AP5131734 «Physiological and molecular genetic features of the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus of alloplasmic lines of wheat, obtained as a result of interspecific crossings, in conection with their drought resistance».

Project leader Lee T.E. Identification high-protein soybean lines at the final stages of the breeding” — grant of the MES RK 1107 / GF4 (2015-2017).

Project manager Lee T.E. Contractual agreements within the framework of MES RK grant No. AR05131025 “Directed design of preventive agents and / or adaptogens for plants in a series of organoelemental systems” (2018-2020).

Project leader Uteulin K.R. 2013-2015. “Obtaining highly productive forms of Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin– domestic producer министрлігінің «Технологияларды коммерциализациялау» жобасы.of rubber”, the World Bank and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Commercialization of Technologies” project.

Project leader Uteulin K.R. Republican budget program 008 (2018-2020). «Applied scientific research in the field of space activities». Scientific and technical project «Study of the nature of plant pollution by asymmetric dimethyl hydrazine and toxic products of its transformation.» Project leader Uteulin K.R.  “Growing wild plant species in experimental conditions”. Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Scientific cooperation with international and domestic organizations:

James Hutton Institute, Dundee, Scotland, UK. Dr. Jennifer Stephens, Head of Functional Genomics Dep. Field of common interest for collaboration: Plant CRISPR/Cas9 technologies.

Institute of Cytology and Genetics Novosibirsk, SD RAN, Russia. Dr, Sophia Gerasimova, leading researcher. Field of interest for collaboration: Barley CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing.

Universitat Politechnica de Valencia, Spain. Dr. Ana Fita. Head of Dep. For Crops breeding and Biotechnology. Fields of common interest for collaboration: Breeding and Biotechnology, Plant CRISPR/Cas9 technologies.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Lab. of Prof. Jack Widholm, Prof. Vera Lozovaya. Fields of common interest for collaboration: Crops biotic stress resistance, genetic engineering, metabolomics.

University of Tokyo, Japan. Коллаборатор – Prof. Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki. Ответные реакции растений на абиотические стрессы. Сигнальная трансдукция АБК.

Tun Abdul Razak Research Centre (  — British Center for the Study of Natural Rubber.

Russia, Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

 Research Center «Garysh-Ecology».

Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Defense Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Scientific and pedagogical activity (teaching, personnel training — topics of master’s, doctoral, etc.)

PhD doctoral student Gabit Bari (2019-2021), supervisor Uteulin K.R.«Obtaining highly productive kok-saghyz  (Taraxacum kok-saghyz L.) forms based on variability of morpho-physiological features».

PhD doctoral student . Erezhetova Ulzhan (2019-2021). supervisor Terletskaya N. “The effect of drought on the anatomical, morphological and photosynthetic parameters of various species and interspecific wheat hybrids in the agrocenosis”.

2 master’s theses were defended: Kuly Z.T., Maulenbay A.D. KazNU, Master of Technical Sciences, KazNU, 6M070100 — Biotechnology. June 2018. Supervisor Kershanskaya O.I.

Defence of the Bachelor’s of Sciences Diploma, KazNAU: Sadullaeva Z.N. 2019. Thesis Manager Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Yesenbayeva G.L.


Foreign internships, honorary academic titles, awards and scholarships

Kershanskaya O.I.:

Real Member – Academician of Petri Prima Academy of Science and Arts (PANA), Russia, ID RAN 1227, from 22 June 2006.

Member of EBTNA (European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association).

Member of SPR (Russian Society of Plant Physiologists).

Fulbright Foreign Visitor CIES, USDS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA. Senior Researcher. “Soybean stress resistance improvement via genetic engineering of phenylpropanoid cycle”. 2013-2015.

Fulbright Certificate of Completion. Chairman, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, Washington DC, USA.

Terletskaya N.V.:

received in 2018 the title of associate professor.


Main publications

(the most significant for all time and for the last 5 years)

Aizhan  Rakhmetullina, Piotr  Zielenkiewicz,  Anna Pyrkova, Kairat Uteulin, Anatoliy Ivashchenko.  Prediction of characteristics of interactions of miRNA with mRNA of GRAS, ERF, C2H2 genes of  A. thaliana, O. sativa  and  Z. mays. Current Plant Biology  28 (2021) 100224. Contents lists available at ScienceDirect. journal homepage: Received 29 July 2021; Received in revised form 6 October 2021; Accepted 6 October 2021 Available online 16 October 2021 2214-6628/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Bari Gabit, Gainullina Karina, Gumerova Gulnar, Uteulin Kairat, Golovanov Yaroslav , Chemeris Aleksey, Kuluev Bulat. «Multilocus DNA polymorphism of some rubber-bearing dandelions of Russia and Kazakhstan.», Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. H — index 66. ISSN 09259864, 15735109. Q 2. SJR 2020 0.48. Published online 19 June 2021.


А.Yu. Amerik, *, Yu. Ts. Martirosyan, , L. Yu. Martirosyan, V. M. Goldberg, K. R. Uteulin, and S. D. Varfolomeevа. Molecular Genetic Analysis of Natural Rubber Biosynthesis. ISSN 1021-4437, Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2021, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 31–45. УДК 581.1 DOI: 10.31857/S0015330321010036. Database Scopus Q2 CJR 0,38 H Indeks 41 CiteScore 1,8 ISSN 16083407, 10214437.


Kairat R. Uteulin. Reintroduction of Kok-saghyz (Taraxacum Kok-saghyz L. Rodin). REVISTA GEINTEC-GESTAO INOVACAO E TECNOLOGIAS (Management, Innovation and Technologies). ISSN: 2237-0722. Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021). P. 240-249.


Web of Science Core Collection.


K.R. Uteulin. Clone Selection of Kok-Saghyz (Taraxacum kok-saghyz), A Source of Natural Rubber. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 3, 2021, Pages. 509 – 515. Scopus.

Uteulin К., Rakhimbayev I., Zhambakin K., Mukhambetzhanov S., Bari G., Zheksenbai A., Esbolaeva B., Iskakova A., Zhabykbaev G., Akhmetzhanov M.. Technology of Kok-Saghyz (Taraxacum Kok-Saghyz ) Reproduction in Kazakhstan. Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia (in five volumes). Vol. 4. Optimising Agricultural Landscapes /main editors Viktor G. Sychev, Lothar Mueller. – М.: Publishing House FSBSI «Pryanishnikov Institute of Agrochemistry», 2018. – 399 p. Chapter IV/18: P. 93-96. DOI 10.25680/8238.2018.31.76.283 ISBN 978-5-9238-0250-4 Springer Database.783391


K.R. Uteulin, K.Z.Zambakin. On the need to develop technologies for producing bioplastics in Kazakhstan. Reports of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ISSN 2224-5227 DOI: 10.32014/2020.2518-1483.117 Volume 5, Number 333 (2020), 42 – 48


Alma Ormanbekovna Bimaganbetova, Kairat Rizabekovich Uteulin, Anuar Bulatovich Atygaev, Olga Alekseevna Fedorina, Yelena Yurievna Stepanova, Yerlan Achmedovich Bekeshev. Ecological Modelling Research of Transformations of Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine and N-Nitrodimethylamine. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy SRP. 2020; 11(6): 179-181. Порядковый номер 27. Correspondence: Uteulin K.R. , doi:10.31838/srp.2020.6.28 H Indeks 14.


Database Scopus (http://www.scimagojr.com

ISSN — 09758453, 09762779

Q2 second quartile, percentiles citeScore 68 inclusive [CiteScore and citeScore percentiles].

Total Cites Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 165 in 2019.


 Kershanskaya O.I. New breakthrough CRISPR/Cas9 biotechnology of genome editing for creation of elite barley cultivars in Kazakhstan. European Biotechnology Congress, Valencia, Spain, April 11-13, 2019. Oral Presentation. Chair of Session.

Kershanskaya O.I., Nelidova D.S., Esenbaeva G.L., Mukiyanova G.S., Karabekova A.N., Nelidov S.N. Genome Editing CRISPR/Cas9 Biotechnology is a New Great Opportunity for Elite Crops Creation. The Eurobiotech Journal. 2019. N2. In press.

Kershanskaya OI, Mukiyanova GS, Nelidova DS, Esenbayeva GL, Nelidov SN, Uteulin KR, Stephens J. CRISPR / Cas9 editing the genome of agricultural cultures in development biology and agriculture. Materials of the XI Congress OFR, Kazan, 2019. In print

Kershanskaya O.I., Kuli Zh., Maulenbay A., Nelidova D., Nelidov S.N., Stephens J. New CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology for development of Agricultural Biotechnology. Proceedings of the All-Russian International Scientific Conference, Irkutsk. 2018. P. 1434-1437.

Kershanskaya O.I., Kuli Zh., Maulenbay A., Nelidova D., Uteulin K.R., Nelidov S.N., Stephens J. Establishment of new gene editing CRISPR/Cas9 technology for creation of elite barley cultivars in Kazakhstan and UK. Genes and Cells. 2018. N 2. P. 35-36.

Kershanskaya O.I. New breakthrough CRISPR/Cas9 biotechnology of genome editing for creation of elite crops in Kazakhstan. Review. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of RK, 2018. N 5. P. 24-40.

Kershanskaya O.I., Kuli Zh., Maulenbay A., Esenbaeva G.L., Nelidova D., Nelidov S.N., Stephens J. CRISPR/Cas9 biotechnology for creation of elite diseases resistant barley cultivars in Kazakhstan and UK. Proceedings of International Symposium Astana Biotech 2018. Astana, 2018. P. 93.

Кершанская O.И., Нелидова Д.С., Лозовая В.В., Зернова О.В., Лыгин А.В., Видхолм Дж.М. Перспективы развития …омикс технологий как нового этапа биотехнологии растений в пост-геномную эру. Сборник материалов докладов. Годичное собрание Общества физиологов растений России. Экспериментальная биология растений: фундаментальные и прикладные аспекты. 18-24 сентября 2017 года, Крым, Судак. С. 189.

Kershanskaya O., Stephens J. Establishment and evaluation of new gene editing and germ-line transformation agricultural technologies for creation of new elite disease resistant barley cultivars in the UK and Kazakhstan. Сборник материалов докладов. Годичное собрание Общества физиологов растений России. Экспериментальная биология растений: фундаментальные и прикладные аспекты. 18-24 сентября 2017 года, Крым, Судак. С. 190.

Кершанская О.И., Абдулжанова М.А., Есенбаева Г.Л., Нелидова Д.С., Исмаилова М.М., Даулетбаева С.К., Исабекова А.Ш. Перспективы развития …омикс технологий как новый этап развития биотехнологии растений в пост-геномной эре VI Всероссийский симпозиум «Трансгенные растения: технологии создания, биологические свойства, применение, биобезопасность» Москва, 16-21 ноября 2016. С. 73-76.

Kershanskaya O.I., Zernova O.V., Abdulzhanova M.A., Nelidova D.S., Lozovaya V.V. Improvement of soybean innate resistance to stress through enhancing lignification by genetic engineering. VI Всероссийский симпозиум и сборник «Трансгенные растения: технологии создания, биологические свойства, применение, биобезопасность» Москва, 16-21 ноя. 2016. С. 77-80.

Kershanskaya О.I. Perspective of …omics research development in Kazakhstan as a new step of plant biotechnology in post-genomics era. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2015. N 3. P. 158-178.

Kershanskaya О.I., Abdulzhanova М.А., Ismailova М.М., Dauletbaeva S. K., Gulevich А. А. Anti-oxidative stress fe-sod gene cloning for soybean genetic transformation. The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Series of Biological And Medical. ISSN 2224-5308. 2015. Vol. 1, 307, 99 – 109.

Kershanskaya О.I., Abdulzhanova М.А., Esenbaeva G.L., Nelidova D.S., Zernova O.V., Lozovaya V.V., Widholm J.M. Improvement of inner soybean diseases resistance by genetic engineering of phenylpropanoid cycle: molecular detection of transgenic plants. Biotechnology. Theory and practice. 2015. N 1. P. 35-47.

Kershanskaya O. I., Esenbaeva  G.L., Nelidova D.S., Ismailova M.M., Dauletbaeva S.K., Abdulzhanova M. A., Isabekova  A.Sh. Germ-line genetic transformation technique improve soybean innate resistance to stress through enhancing lignification. Transgenic Research, Springer. 2015.

Kershanskaya O.I. Perspective of …omics research development as a new step of plant biotechnology in post- genomics era. 8th Euro Biotechnology Congress August 18-20, 2015. Frankfurt, Germany.

Kershanskaya O.I. A new step of plant  biotechnology in post- genomics era via genetic engineering of the key metabolic pathways. The World Congress of Agriculture — 2015. More Advanced, More Healthy, and More Safety. 13-15, Nov. 2015. Qingdao, China.

Kershanskaya O.I. A new step of plant biotechnology in post- genomics era via genetic engineering of the key metabolic pathways. 3rd conference of cereal biotechnology, November 2-4, 2015. Berlin, Germany.

Kershanskaya O.I., Abdulzhanova M.A., Lozovaya V.V., Widholm J.M. Soybean genomics improving for innate resistance to biotic stresses via genetic engineering of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Crops 2015. Improving Agriculture through Genomics. May 18-21, 2015. Huntsville, Alabama, USA.

Kershanskaya О., Nelidova D. Wheat crop improvement via genetic modification of photosynthesis. International wheat congress 2015. 20-25 September, 2015. Sydney, Australia.

Kershanskaya O.I., Abdulzhanova М.А., Esenbaeva G.L., Nelidova D.S., Zernova O.V., Lozovaya V.V., Widholm J.M. Genetic engineering of phenylpropanoid cycle for improvement of inner soybean diseases resistance. VIII Congress of All-Russia Society of Plant Physiologists «Plants in conditions of the global and local natural-climatic and anthropogenic treatments», 21-26 Sept. 2015. Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia.

Kershanskaya O.I. A new step of plant biotechnology in post- genomics era. II International Scientific Conference «Genetics and biotechnology of XXI century: problems, achievements, perspectives», 13-16 Oct. 2015. Minsk, Belarussia.

Kershanskaya O.I. Perspective of …omics research development as a new step of plant biotechnology in post- genomics era. II International Scientific Conference «Genetics and biotechnology of XXI century: problems, achievements, perspectives», 13-16 October 2015. Minsk, Belarussia.

Terletskaya N., Zorbekova A., Altayeva N., Bari G., Erezhetova U. Effect of drought for growth parameters and pigment complex of wheat lines obtained from interspecific crosses. Experimental Biology. №3 (76). 2018. Р.130-139.

Terletskaya N., Zobova N., Stupko V., Shuyskaya E. Growth and photosynthetic reactions of different species of wheat seedlings under drought and salt stress // Periodicum Biologorum – 2017 − V. 119, №1. − 37–45. DOI: 10.18054/pb.v119i1.4408

Terletskaya N.V., Kurmanbayeva M.S. Change of leaf anatomical parameters of different species of wheat seedlings under conditions of drought and salt stress // Pak. J. Bot. – 2017. −49 (3) –Р. 857-865.

Terletskaya N.V. et al. Study of the resistance of the photosynthetic apparatus of soft wheat (T. aestivum L.) and its wild relatives to abiotic stressors in vivo and in vitro: Monograph. — Almaty, 2017.-172 p.

Khailenko N.A., Altayeva N.A., Iskakova A.B. Morphophysiological cytogenetic features of interspecific wheat hybrids: Monograph. Almaty, 2017. 232

Lee T.E. et al. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Content in Soybean Oil. // Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2016.N.12(10).  P.568-573.

Lee T.E. et al. Anatomical peculiarities in wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) varieties under copper stress. // Pak. J. Bot., 2016. 48(4): 1399-1405 (IF: 0.658).

Lee T.E.  et al. Amino Acid Profiles and Sucrose Content in Developing Soybean Seeds. European Biotechnology Conress. 05-07 May 2016, (Рига, Латвия) // Journal of Biotechnology   Том: 231. –P.: S41-42.

Lee T.E.  et al. Amino Acids Profiling in Developing Seeds. European Biotechnology Congress.25-27 May 2017, (Dubrovnik, Croatia).

Uteulin K.R., Baytulin I.O. About the need for recovery degraded populations of kok-saghyz. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2017. №2. C.56-61.

Uteulin K.R, Bari G.T., Rakhimbaev I.R. Pelleted seeds Dandelion kok-saghyz (Tarxacum kok-saghyz Rodin) – producer of natural plant rubber. Solving problem of small-seeded kok-saghyz. Report of  National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan., 2016,V.2, N 306, — P.123-127.

Agapov O.A., Fedorina O.A., Atygaev A.B., Uteulin K.R., Zheksenbai A., Kazkeev D., Aldasugurova Ch.Zh., Kurbatova N.V. Influence of unsymmetrical hydrazine on seed germination, growth and on anatomical parameter seedlings of wild plant species. Scientific and technical journal «Science News of Kazakhstan». Almaty 2019. № 1 (139). P.210-22.



Kershanskaya O.I. The Patent application was accepted and the formal examination of the patent for the invention “New method of genetic transformation of barley” 2019.0184.1 from 11.03.2019 was successfully completed. Authors: Kershanskaya OI, Esenbaeva G.L., Mukiyanova G.S., Nelidova DS, Sadullaeva Z.N.

Lee T.E. et al. A method for identifying high-protein leguminous crops. The number of the utility model is 30716. Published 12/25/2015

Terletskaya N.V., Altaeva N.A., Zorbekova A.N. A way to create alloplasmatic drought-resistant wheat line. Utility model number: 107266. Published 12/21/2018

Terletskaya N.V. et al. A method for producing photosynthetic callus wheat culture. Utility model number: 1642. Published: 09/15/2016

Altaeva N.A., Khaylenko N.A. The method for determining hybrid wheat plants in interspecific crosses with the species T.kiharae. The number of the utility model: 1751. Posted 09/26/2016

Uteulin KR, et al. The method of obtaining the original seeds “TKS-1 ″ — prototype varieties of kok-sagyz (Taraxacum kok-saghyz). Innovation patent number: 31285. Published: 06/30/2016.

Uteulin K.R., Zhambakin K.J. et al. Certificate of the author of a selection achievement. Variety of Dandelion, kok-saghyz «Saryzhaz» No. 4395 (2018).


Services (which can be provided by the laboratory for commercialization, etc.):

Unique genetic constructions for genetic engineering and plant genome editing for crop improvement. Gene cloning methods.

Training and teaching of modern genomics, metabolomics, genetic engineering, gene and genome editing biotechnologies in major crops.


Image products:

Seeds and plants of high-yielding priority crops resistant to diseases caused by micropathogens and viruses penetration.

Patents and biotechnologies for genetic transformation and genes/genome editing of priority crops.