Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Head of Laboratory – PhD Usenbekov Bakdaulet Naubaevich. 1996 graduated from the Biological Faculty of Kazakh National Al-Farabi University on specialty — biology. In 2004 he defended his thesis on «Peculiarities of vegetative propagation and mineral nutrition of stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni) in South-East of Kazakhstan» 03.00.12-plant physiology. (Supervisor: Ph.D., Professor Sarsenbayev BA). Author of more than 50 scientific papers.
Research interests: plant physiology and biochemistry, biotechnology, in vitro culture of cells and tissues, rice breeding and seed production.
Tel: +7-727-394-75-61, е-mail:
Laboratory Staff: Name, Position, Academic degree and Academic title
# Name Position Academic degree Academic title
1 Usenbekov B.N. Head of the Laboratory PhD
2 Sarsenbayev B.A. Chief Researcher PhD Professor
3 Nurzhanova A.A. Chief Researcher PhD Professor
4 Rysbekova A.B. Senior Researcher PhD
5 Kazkeev D.T. Researcher M.S.
6 Zhanbyrbaev E.A. Researcher M.S.
7 Sartbaeva I.A. Researcher M.S.
8 Baiseitova G. Researcher M.S.
9 Berkіmbay H.A. Junior researcher M.S.
10 Қamynyr M. Junior researcher M.S.
11 Nurmagambetova A.S. Junior researcher M.S.
Main directions of scientific activity of the laboratory
-physological and biochemical research and sweet sorghum breeding in the conditions of the southeast of Kazakhstan to diversify crop production and using in the food industry, fodder and bioenergy;
-development of phytoremediation technology for the remediation of contaminated with pesticides and heavy metals in soil zones of creating a food belt of the Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan;
-development of methods for phytoremediation of soils contaminated by pesticides on the basis of the construction of plant-microbe symbiotic systems;
— the creation of new varieties and original forms of barley cultivation under drought and salinity using conventional breeding and haploid technology;
— breeding new rice varieties through conventional and biotechnological methods.
- Main results of activity (2012-2016).
Collection of seeds of sweet sorghum varieties. Experimental data reflecting biological productivity, sugar, juiciness, and resistant varieties of sorghum to adverse environmental factors such as drought and salinity contamination with heavy metals. From stems of sorghum squeezed juice and prepared syrup for useing biotechnology production of bioethanol. It was determined the optimum temperature, pH and the ratio of yeast cells to the fermentation substrate sorghum syrup, and the production of bioethanol. It was obtained experimental samples of bioethanol.
It was identified perspective varieties of sweet sorghum of domestic and foreign selection, different sugar content and productivity. It was shown that the variety Porumbeni 4, Alga, Rostov, Uzbekistan-18 were more productivity, also Kazakhstan varieties (Kazakhstan-20, Kazakhstan 16) differ juiciness and high content of soluble sugars in the stalks. Biochemical analysis of the syrup from the juice pressed from the stems of sorghum showed the presence of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and biologically active substances such as vitamin A, PP, C, E, B-carotene. In the syrup composition was found microelements — Fe, Cu and Zn. It was designed standard organization for syrup from sweet sorghum stalks. It was developed the reciep of new food products and obtained innovative patents RK.
As a result of crossing varieties of sweet sorghum with each other and sterile lines (CMS) were obtained hybrids with economically valuable traits. Hybrids derived from crosses of the Kazakhstan × Larez 3 , Niskorosloe 81 × Larez, MSL-26 × Larez and Niskorosloe 81 × Saharnoe 32, MSL-26 × Saharnoe 32 showed heterosis effect. Perspective hybrids were selected for using in breeding to create domestic sweet sorghum varieties resistant to adverse environmental conditions such as drought and salinity, as well as productivity and sugar content of stems. The dynamics of the accumulation of soluble sugars and patterns of their distribution in organs and interstices.
The technology of phyto soil cleaning contaminated by pesticides and heavy metals with the help of wild species of plants Kazakhstan’s flora and methods of disposal of contaminated phytomass.
To improve the efficiency of phytoremediation of contaminated soils created plant-microbe symbiotic system. Obtained from the rhizosphere microorganisms and plant-rizoplany batteries organochlorine pesticides. Deposited strains-destructors of organochlorine pesticides and Bacillus vallismortis Bacillus aryabhattai Republican collection of microorganisms KS MES.
A new high-yielding, precocious, and salinity-resistant barley variety called “Kaisar” (sample 9/95-26K), submitted to the State Enterprise “State Commission for Variety Testing crop” of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ministry of Agriculture). The variety is highly resistant to salinity, to late spring frosts, can withstand prolonged lack of rain and high temperatures during the tillering, resistant to dust and smut and Fusarium root rot. The average yield of 17.6 c/ha (Asem standard — 14.2 c/ha).
A new high-yielding variety called “Argul” (sample 3/04-4), submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture GKSISK for cultivation under poluobespechennoy rainfed and irrigated lands of Almaty region. The average yield of 45.2 c/ha (standard — 33.9 c/ha).
A new high-yielding variety of barley called “Birlik” (sample 28/98-3), submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture GKSISK for cultivation under poluobespechennoy rainfed and irrigated lands of Almaty region. The average yield of 47.6 c/ha (standard — 38.1 c/ha).
A working collection of accessions of colored and identified perspective early maturing red rice genotypes, ripening in the Almaty region. Selected parental forms with colored rice and hybridization carried out the work. In the context of the Almaty region propagated hybrids of F2-F3 generation of colored rice. Spend Hybridological analysis and studied the nature of inheritance of pericarp color and its variability in the later generations.
On the basis of biotechnological approaches to using population genetics and breeding methods developed rice varieties Altynay, Bakanassky, Madina which obtained patents and author certificates.
It was identified polymorphism of storage proteins of rice seeds (glutelin) hybrids, which is possible to identify perspective low amylose line.
Works on genotyping with primers G/T SNP-polymorphism in the first intron of the gene Waxy-35 rice cultivars and accessions of the Russian and kazahstankoy selection. When screening the studied samples of rice primers In1-F-T and In1-F-G in the presence of SNP- polymorphism (T/G) revealed two alleles at glutinous samples. The use of molecular markers is an informative tool for the study of polymorphism of Waxy-gene in glutinous rice genotypes.
Homozygous promising F6 line of the hybrids for further testing as a basis for creating glutinous varieties.
Using by haploid technology method was created doubled haploid lines of rice.Transferred to the state variety testing first domestic glutinous variety Kazvetta.
Projects and Programs
“Getting initial lines of glutinous rice and breeding them for exclusive children and dietary foods” (2012-2014);
“Biotechnology of obtaining the ethanol (biofuels) from sweet sorghum (Sorghum saccaratum (L.) Pers.) — as an alternative energy sources” (2012-2014);
“Accelerated creation of salt tolerant barley doubled haploid form using biotechnological methods” (2012-2014);
At the scientific and technical program: International scientific and technical programs and projects for 2013-2015 “Development of methods for phytoremediation of soils contaminated by pesticides on the basis of design microbe-plant associations” (2013-2015).
“Development of new biotechnological approaches to create dietary supplements, special foods and their components, based on the interaction of natural biopolymers and other biological materials with the macro-and micronutrients” (2012-2014);
“Development of biotechnology to create new dietary supplements and dietary products based on the cultivation of food and processing sweet sorghum” (2012-2014);
“Use of exclusive rice varieties for children’s and specialty diet food” (2013-2015);
“Biotechnology and the creation of new highly resistant to abiotic factors and forms of sugar sorghum lines for use in bioenergy, food and fodder production” (2013-2015);
“Biotechnology of obtaining of the first Kazakhstan colored pericarp rice (red and black) forms and lines as an initial material in breeding exclusive domestic variety” (2013-2015);
0451/GF 4 «Development of technology to improve contaminated with heavy metals and pesticide using by giant plants miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus) — a new highly phytoremediation» (2015 -2017);
2168/GF 4 «Creation domestic glutinous rice varieties for children and dietetic foods using molecular genetic and biochemical markers» (2015 -2017);
2113/GF 4 «Biotechnology of obtaining of the domestic high yielding salt tolerance lines and form for breeding» (2015 -2017);
2172/GF 4 «Creation of high-yield, cold tolerant new rice forms and lines for domestic breeding of varieties adapted to the northern rice-growing regions of Kazakhstan» (2015 -2017) ;
2171/GF 4 «Screening for the productivity and sustainability of sweet sorghum varieties for cultivation in drought conditions and for using of bioenergy, food and feed production» (2015 -2017);
Project NATO G4687 “New phytotechnology for cleaning contaminated military sites”2016-2019.
- Scientific cooperation with international and domestic organizations
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) (Los Baños, Philippines);
Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center, Sapporo, Japan;
Matej Bel University (Banska Bystrica, Slovakia);
Jan Evangelista Purkyne University (Usti nad Labem Chek Republic);
Kansas State University (Kansas, USA);
The International Science and Technology Center (Moscow);
The Federal Research Center Institute of Cytology and Geneticsthe Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
All-Russian Rice Research Institute (Krasnodar);
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Cereal Crops of I.G.Kalinenko, Zernograd
Petrozavodsk State University (Republic of Karelia);
National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute National Center Seed and Cultivar Investigation. Laboratory sorghum crops (Ukraine);
LLP “Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant growing”;
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;
Laboratory of Ecology Biosphere Center of physical and chemical methods of research and analysis of the Al Farabi Kazakh National University;
Institute for New Chemical Technologies and Materials, Al Farabi Kazakh National University;
Kazakh National Agrarian University;
Almaty Technological University;
Kazakh National Technical University named after KI Satpayev;
Kazakh State Womens Teacher Training University.
- Scientific-pedagogical activity
Al Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty 050701- «Biotechnology» Kozhakulova A.N. Thesis: “Screening rice varieties on amylose content”. Scientific adviser: PhD Usebbekov B.N. 2013;
Al Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty 050701- «Biotechnology» Onatova N.O. Thesis: “Using storage protein markers for rice certification”. Scientific adviser: PhD Usebbekov B.N. 2013;
Al Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty 050701- «Biotechnology» Amirbekova A.N. Thesis: “Obtaning of salt tolerance barley lines using by cell selection” Scientific adviser: Professor Nurzhanova A.A. 2014;
Al Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty 050701- «Biotechnology» Toktasynova A.T. Thesis: “Screening of perspective rice genotypes on amylose content”. Scientific adviser: PhD Rysbekova A.B. 2015;
Al Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty 050701- «Biotechnology» Elemesov Zh. Thesis: “Obtaining of initial domestic colored rice forms”. Scientific adviser: PhD Rysbekova A.B. 2015;
Al Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty 050701- «Biotechnology» Mukhamezhan A. Thesis: “Improvement of efficiency rice anther culture in vitro”. Scientific adviser: PhD Rysbekova A.B. 2015;
Al Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty 050701- «Biotechnology» Kakimbek A. Thesis: “Screening perspective rice varieties for different salinity types”. Scientific adviser: PhD Rysbekova A.B. 2015;
Preparation of PhD students:
Kazkeev Dauren Tabyltaevich, PhD student of KazNAU specialty «Agronomy-6D080100». Thesis: «Creating initial material in breeding rice varieties with colored pericarp.» Scientific consultants:. Ph.D., professor, corresponding member. NAS RK Zhambakin K.Zh., Dr. Changrong Ye (China);
Zhanbyrbaev Eldos Almbekovich, PhD student of KazNAU specialty «Agronomy-6D080100». Thesis: «Production of cold-resistant forms and lines to create a local rice varieties adapted to the northern ricegrowing area.» Scientific consultants: prof. Sarsenbayev B.A., DS-Agricultural Sciences., Prof. Zelensky G.L.(Russia);
Sartbaeva Innabat Abibullakyzy, PhD student KazNU. Al-Farabi, specialty «Biology-6D060700». Thesis: «Creating pespective forms of glutinous rice lines for using in breeding.» Scientific consultants:. Ph.D., professor, corresponding member. NAS RK Zhambakin K.Zh., Dr. Norio Iriki (Japan).
9 Foreign internships
The list of employees who have undergone training at the international level:
— Senior researcher Rysbekova A.B. was an internship from January till July 2012 at Purdue University, Indiana, USA on the program «Bolashak». Specialization: molecular biology, molecular genetics (Project: Study of the methods of the microscale isolation of RNA from purified Arabidopsis trichomes Supervisor: Professor Dan Szymanski.);
— Senior researcher Rysbekova A.B. was an internship from 23.05 till 31.05.2013 at International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) (Los-Banos, Philippines);
— Senior researcher Rysbekova A.B. was an internship from 07.07 till 11.07.2013 at All-Russian Rice Research Institute (ARRI) (Krasnodar, Russia);
— Researcher Batayeva D.S. was an internship from 31.05. till 27.06.2015 at International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) (Los-Banos, Philippines);
— Researcher Sartbayeva I.A. was an internship from 15.10. till 15.12.2015 in Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center (Sapporo, Japan) on the theme “Modern molecular-genetic methods for the rice breeding”;
— Researcher Zhanbyrbaev E.A was passed scientific training in «All-Rice Research Institute» (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) on the theme: «Getting cold tolerance forms and lines to create local rice varieties adapted to the northern rice growing area» from 04.04. to 05.03.2016;
— Researcher Sartbayeva I.A.was passed scientific training in Rice Quality Research Unit, Division of Rice Research Institute of Crop Science (NARO, Japan, Tsukuba) from 19.05. to 09.06.2016;
Rysbekova A.B. — The State scientific grant for talented young scientists MES 2015.
Honorary academic titles:
Approval of the title of Professor MES DBN. Nurzhanova A.A.
Prof. B. Sarsenbayev awarded a diploma of MES from 07.08.2014
Prof. Nurzhanova AA awarded a diploma of MES from 07.09.2014
- Main publications
Sarsenbayev B.A. Sorghum Sugar perspective culture for multi using // Izv.NANRK., A series of biol. and medicine. 2014., N3, P.3-9
Moraru G.A., Sarsenbayev B.A., Kirshibaev E.A. Perspective hybrids of sweet sorghum to the Republic of Kazakhstan // Materials of the International Scientific Conference on the Biology and Plant Biotechnology, 28-30 May 2014. Almaty, P.370.
Sarsenbayev B.A., Kirshibaev E.A., Baiseitova G.A., Kamunur M., Sarybaeva E.Zh., Nokerbekova N.K., Khudaybergenova G.B. Biological characteristics of sweet sorghum varieties in the conditions of the southeast of Kazakhstan // Materials of the International Scientific Conference on the Biology and Plant Biotechnology, 28-30 May 2014. Almaty, P.374.
Kirshibaev E.A., Baiseitova G.A, Kamunur M. Sarybaeva E.Zh., Nokerbekova N.K., Sarsenbayev B.A. Dynamics of accumulation and distribution of soluble sugars in the stalks of sweet sorghum // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on the Biology and Plant Biotechnology, 28-30 May 2014. Almaty, P.393.
Kirshibaev EA Baiseitova GA, Kamunur M. Sarybaeva E.Zh., Nokerbekova N.K., Sarsenbayev B.A. Production of sudan-sorghum hybrids in the conditions for south-east of Kazakhstan // Herald TREASURY. Biology Series. N1/2 (60). 2014. P. 251-256.
Kirshibaev EA Baiseitova GA, Kamunur M. Nokerbekova NK, Sarsenbayev BA Some biometric parameters F1 hybrid plant sweet sorghum // Herald TREASURY. Biology Series. N1(63). 2015. P. 111-116.
Kirshibaev E.A., Baiseitova G.A., Kamunur M., Nokerbekova N.K., Zhunis A., Sarsenbayev B.A. Getting F1 hybrid of sweet sorghum (Sorghum sacchartum L. Pres.) seeds on the basis of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) // Proceedings of the MES. Ser. biol. — N4.- 2015.
Kirshibaev E.A., Baiseitova G., Kamunur M., Sarsenbayev B.A. Preparation of hybrid (F1) of sweet sorghum plants on the basis of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) // Biological Congress. «Global Climate Change and Biodiversity» November 11-13. — Kazakhstan. Almaty. 2015
Kirshibaev E.A., Baiseitova G.A., Kamunur M., Nokerbekova N.K., Sarsenbayev B.A. Some biometric parameters F1 hybrid plant sweet sorghum // Herald TREASURY. A series of biological, 2015. — N1.- (63). -P. 111-116.
Nurzhanova A., Kalugin S., ZhambakinK.Obsolete pesticides and application of colonizing plant species for remediation of contaminated soils in Kazakhstan //Environmental Science and Pollution Research – 2013. – Vol. 20. – P. 2054-2063.
Saule Atabayeva, Akmaral Nurmahanova, Subhash Minocha, Aygul Ahmetova, Saule Kenzhebayeva, Saule Aidosova, Asil Nurzhanova The effect of salinity on growth and anatomical attributes of barley seedling (Hordeum vulgare L.) // African Journal of Biotechnology. –2013– Vol. 12(18). – Р. 2366-2377.
Nurzhanova A., Pidlisnyuk V., Kalugin S. Stefanovska T., Drimal M. Miscantus x giganteus as a new highly efficient phytoremediation agent for improving soil contaminated by pesticides residues and supplemented contaminants // Communications in Applied Biological Sciences – 2015. – Vol. 80. – Р.
Y.Sailaukhanuly, L.Carlsen, A.Tulegenov, А.Nurzhanova, В Kenessov D.Kamysbayev. Distribution and risk assessment of selected organochlorine pesticides in KyzylKairat village from Kazakhstan //Environ Monit Assess – 2016. – Vol. 188. N 358.– Springer. DOI 10.1007/s10661-016-5353-9.
Hiroshy Nakano, Charles L. Cantrell, Leonid K. Mamonov, Tatyana S.Kustova, Chemical constituents from Echinopsnanus and Echinopstransiliensis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. — 2012. — 45. — Р.127-129.
Hiroshy Nakano, Kevin K.Schrader, Leonid K. Mamonov, Tatyana S.Kustova, Valentina K. Mursaliyeva, Charles L. Cantrell. Isolation and Identification of Flavobacteriumcolumnare and Streptococcus iniae Antibacterial Compounds from the Terrestrial Plant Atraphaxislaetevirens. Journal of Agricultural and food chemistry, — 2012. — 60. — Р.10415-10419.
ShobhaSondhia, Stephen O. Duke, Solomon GreenIII, Nadezhda G. Gemejiyeva, Leonid K. Mamonov, Csharles L. Cantrell. Phytotoxic Furanocoumarins from the Shoots of Semenoviatransiliensis. Natural product communications. An International Journal for Communications and Reviews Covering all Aspects of Natural Products Research. — 2012. — Vol.7,- Issue 10. — P.1327-1330.
Kustova TS, Mamonov LK, Cantrell CL, Ross SA. Screening of Kazakhstan plants useful in the treatment of diabetic foot syndrome 61st International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research. 1-5 September 2013, Munster.
Usenbekov B.N., Kazkeev D.T., Zhanbirbaev Е.А., Berkimbai H. Tynybekov B.M., Satybaldiyeva G.K., Baimurzayev N.B., Issabayeva G.S. Doubled haploid production through culture of anthers in rice // Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 2014, — Volume 74, — Issue 1- P. 90-92. (impactfactor- 0,2)
Sartbaeva I.A. Usenbekov B.N., Mamonov L.K., Zelensky G.L, Bulatov K.M. Screening of amylose content of rice varieties of the Russian and Kazakh breeding // Scientific journal «Grain economy of Russia.» — №6 (30) 2013 — P. 12-16.
Usenbekov B.N., Bulatov K.M., Sartbaeva I.A., Rysbekova A.B., Kazkeev D.T., Zhanbyrbaev E.A., Turdiev T.T., Bataeva D.S. Protein certification of rice varieties // Scientific Production Journal «Rice breeding” — 2013. — № 2 (23). — P. 30-34.
Usenbekov B.N., Zelensky G.L. Kazkeev D.T., Zhanbyrbaev E.A., Sartbaeva I.A., Rysbekova A.B., Bataeva D.S. Using of the method anther culture in Kazakh glutinous rice varieties breeding // Multidisciplinary network electronic scientific journal of the Kuban State Agrarian University (Science magazine KubGAU) [electronic resource]. — Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2014. — №101 (07).
A.B. Rysbekova,, D.T. Kazkeev, B.N. Usenbekov, J.M. Mukhina, E.A. Zhanbyrbaev, I.A. Sartbaeva, K.Zh. Zhambakin, H.A. Berkimbay, D.S. Bataeva. developing pre-breeding resources of rice with colored pericarp for breeding Kazakhstan varieties on the basis genotyping genes Rc and Pb. Adopted in «Genetics» Journal of the Russian Federation, number 10-11 — 2016 Georgia (IF 0.54).
Books, monographs, collections:
- Atabaeva S.D., Sarsenbayev B.A. Physiological and biochemical basis of metal resistance on plants. Almaty, «TSTCompany» 12.7 pp. 2010
- Atabaeva S.D., Sarsenbayev B.A. Phytoremediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals. Almaty, «TSTCompany» 10,3 pp. 2010
- Collective collection. Physiological and biochemical and genetic studies breeding plant in Kazakhstan. Responsible redaktory- Polimbetova F.A., Sarsenbayev B.A. 22.25 pp. Almaty. 2010.
- Collective collection. Scientific bases and practice of rice growing in Kazakhstan. Responsible redaktory- Mamonov L.K., Sarsenbayev B.A. 20.0 pp «Toganay T», Almaty, 2012.
- Nurzhanova A. Bionanotechnology (lecture course), Almaty: «Volkova NA SP». 2012. — 160 c.
- Nurzhanova A. Biological basis of phytoremediation of contaminated areas: Saarbrücken, Germany: «LAPLAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG ». 2012. — 255 c.
Innovative patent №23301 Therapeutic and prophylactic milk product 04.11.2010.
Innovative patent №23840 Phyto «Esentai» 15.04.2011.
Innovative patent number 23839 Phyto «Almaty» 22.02.2011.
Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object №488 dated April 20, 2012. «Combined collection accessions food and decorative pumpkin» (by Aytasheva Z.G., Polimbetova F.A., Nurzhanova A.A.)
A.s.№73183 soft drink «Stevidrink» 17/02/2012.
AS № 80354 «Method of Stevia cultivation» 01.23.2013.
AS № 81678 «Method for the production of crispbread» 14/01/2013.
Standard on the organization syrup — Biologically active food supplement «syrup from the stems of sugar sorghum» CT 82275-1910-GP-01-2013;
Innovative patent number 28674 on 20.09.2013, on the invention of «Enriched cereals of rice for quick cooking porridge.» Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan 06.18.2014
Innovative patent №2969 «The process for producing enriched glutinous rice for quick cooking porridge.» Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan 03.17.2015
Innovative patent №30735 method for producing a soft drink with the addition of sweet sorghum., Of 05.01.2015
Innovative patent №30724. A method of preparing fortified bread «nan Ball» with the addition of sorghum syrup. 05.01.2015 Mr.
The patent for the selection achievement №532 «Oryza sativa Madina.» Registered in the State Register of selection achievements of Kazakhstan 03.17.2015, the
«Oryza sativa Bakanassky» The patent for the selection achievement №533. Registered in the State Register of selection achievements of Kazakhstan 03.17.2015, the
The utility model Nurzhanova A.A., Nam S.V., Mursaliyev V.K., Nurmuhambetova A., Zhamanbalinova R. «Method of reproduction Miscanthus x giganteus under in vitro» from April 1, 2016. Registration number 2016/01992.
Supervisors of diploma projects bachelors and masters of the university.
Brand Products
Printed matter, in particular monographs on the physiological and biochemical basis of plant resistance and technology of soil phytoremediation contaminated with pesticides and heavy metals.
Biotechnology of the syrup from sweet sorghum stems, prototypes of syrup and bioethanol.
Amylose (Madina, Bakanassky, Altynay) and glutinous (Kazvetta) rice varieties.
Коллекция семян сортов сахарного сорго
Получение сока и приготовление сиропа из стеблей сахарного сорго
Использование сиропа для пищевых целей и производства биотоплива (биоэтанола)
Гибридизация сахарного сорго

Гетерозисный гибрид сахарного сорго

Гетерозисный гибрид сахарного сорго с использованием ЦМС

Зарубежные стажировки сотрудников лаборатории

нс.СартбаеваИ.А. (Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center, Sapporo, Japan)

нсКазкеевД.Т. (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Biozentrum, Germany)

Обсуждение проекта НАТО G4687 “New phytotechnology for cleaning contaminated military sites” в Канзасском университете проф. Larry Erickson, проф V. Pidlisnyuk, проф. Нуржанова А. (штат Канзас, США, 2015 г.)

Сотрудники лаборатории (мнс.Жаманбалинова Р. имнс. Нурмухамбетова А.)

Сотрудники лаборатории (мнс.Алигулова Р., мнсЖаманбалиноваР. и мнс.Нурмухамбетова А.)
Мнс Муханов Т.М. в ходе экспедиционного обследования в ЮКО