AP 14871451 (superviser Zhambakin K.)

Brief information about the project


 Project name: IRN AP14871451 «Potato breeding material obtaining for creation of the domestic varieties of various production directions»

 Scientific novelty and significance.

Potato growing is one of the key sectors in the agro-industrial complex that determine the food security of Kazakhstan. Potatoes are grown annually in the republic on an area of more than 193 thousand hectares. Accept the Union of Potato and vegetable growers of Kazakhstan of the average potato yield in large agricultural producers 30-45 tons/ha. Simultaneously, domestic varieties do not fully meet the needs of the population of the republic.  Unfortunately, breeding work in Kazakhstan does not meet modern requirements rapid variety change, due to changing market requirements and global climate change. Therefore, there is an urgent need to intensify the breeding process in the republic.

In Kazakhstan, only imported varieties are used for fries and chips. However, most of these varieties are not adapted for cultivation in Kazakhstan and are therefore low yielding.

From the above, it can be concluded that there is an urgent need for potato producers of competitive domestic varieties in the domestic and foreign market of various uses. Furthermore, the presence of competitive domestic potato varieties is one of the key components of the country’s food security

Project goal: To obtain the initial breeding material in the form of potato lines (Solánum tuberósum) to create competitive domestic potato varieties on the domestic and foreign market.

Form the initial breeding material of potatoes based on phenotypic, technological and genotypic traits. To supplement the existing collection of potatoes on a set of molecular-genetic, phenotypic, technological, biochemical, and morphological traits.

Formation of the in vitro potato collection.

Expected results:

  1. Based on the analysis of 200 parental forms, 50 will be selected for hybridization.
  2. In vitro collection of 200 samples will be established.
  3. At least 20 hybrid combinations ready for planting will be selected, after harvesting, the C1 tubers with the best genetic studies, phenotype, biochemical parameters, and technological parameters will be selected. As a result, candidate lines for potato varieties will be created for further transfer to breeding institutions in Kazakhstan.
  4. At least 3 (three) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50 (fifty).
  5. or at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by CQASES;
  6. or at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications included in the 1st (first) and (or) 2nd (second) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 65 (sixty-five);
  7. or at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication that is included in the 1st (first) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) has a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 80 (eighty);

 Academic adviser of the project: Kabyl Zhambakin, Doctor of biological sciences, professor, Academician of NAS RK

Research group:   

1 Kabyl Zhambakin
2 Malika Shamekova
3 Zagipa Sapakhova
4 Gulnaz Nizamdinova
5 Ainash Daurova
6 Nurgul Raissova
7 Bolat Kairkanov

  Publications and patents of the research team for 2017-2022. 

  1. Zhambakin, K., Zhapar, K. Current status and prospects of plant biotechnology in Kazakhstan. Plant Biotechnology Report 14177–184 (2020).  DOI:10.1007/s11816-020-00601-0, IF-1.259, Q-3, percentile -64,  Citation Index -2
  2. Daurov D., Zhapar K., Daurova A., Volkov D., Bakbergenova M., Tolegenova D., Shamekova M., Zhambakin K. Production of virus-free sweet potato planting material for the southeast of Kazakhstan. International journal of agriculture and biology 20 (4) : 851-856, 2018. DOI:17957/IJAB/15.0576. IF (WoS)  – 0.82, Q-3, percentile (Scopus)-56
  3. Daurova Ainash, Daurov Dias, Volkov Dmitriy, Aibek Karimov, Zhandos Abai, Daniyar Raimbek,Kuanish Zhapar, Kabyl Zhambakin, Malika Shamekova.  Mutagenic treatment of microspore-derived embryos of turnip rape (Brassica rapa) to increase oleic acid content. Plant Breeding. 2020; IF (Scopus) – 3, percentile — 71, Q(WoS) — Q3, Citation Index – 2, https://doi.org/10.1111/pbr.12830
  4. Daurov, D., Daurova, A., Karimov, A. Tolegenova, D., Volkov, D., Raimbek D., Zhambakin K.,Shamekova M. Determining Effective Methods of Obtaining Virus-Free Potato for Cultivation in Kazakhstan. Am.J.PotatoRes. 97, 367–375 (2020). DOI:10.1007/s12230-020-09787-z, IF (WoS) -1.085, Q-3, percentile (Scopus) -57
  5. Daurova A, Daurov D, Volkov D, Zhapar K, Raimbek D, Shamekova M, Zhambakin K. 2020. Doubled haploids of interspecific hybrids between Brassica napus and Brassica rapa for canola production with valuable breeding traits. OCL 27: 45. IF(Scopus) – 2.9, percentile — 70, Citation Index – 2, https://doi.org/10.1051/ocl/2020041
  6. K.Daurova, D.L.Daurov, D.V.Volkov, M.O.Bakbergenova, Zh.Zhambakin, M.Kh.Shamekova.  Production of rapeseed (Brassica napus) interspecific hybrids with rape (Brassica campestris) and mustard (Brassica juncea) // Journal of Biotechnology. — 2017. — V.256. – PS99 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.06.1138
  7. Kabyl Zhambakin, DmitriyVolkov, Makpal Bakbergenova, Behzad Muhammad, Malika Shamekova // Obtaining of glyphosate resistant wheatJournal of Biotechnology-V.256.-2017.- P. S99 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.06.1140
  8. Dias Daurov, Kuanysh Zhapar, Ainash Daurova, Dmitriy Volkov, Kabyl Zhambakin, Malika Shamekova Production of disease free sweet potato plantong material- Journal of Biotechnology-V.256.-2017.- P. S99 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.06.1139
  9. Daurov, D., Daurova, A., Karimov, A., Tolegenova, D., Volkov, D., Raimbek, D., Zhambakin, K., Shamekova, M.Determining Effective Methods of Obtaining Virus-Free Potato for Cultivation in Kazakhstan American Journal of Potato Research, 2020.-97(4), pp. 367-375. DOI: 10.1007/s12230-020-09787-z
  10. Daurova, A., Daurov, D., Volkov, D., Karimov, A., Abai, Z., Raimbek, D., Zhapar, K., Zhambakin, K., Shamekova, M. Mutagenic treatment of microspore-derived embryos of turnip rape (Brassica rapa) to increase oleic acid content Plant Breeding, 2020, In press. DOI: 10.1111/pbr.12830
  11. Ainash Daurova, Dias Daurov, Dmitriy Volkov, Kuanysh Zhapar, Daniyar Raimbek, Malika Shamekova and Kabyl Zhambakin. Doubled haploids of interspecific hybrids between Brassica napus and Brassica rapa for canola production with valuable breeding traits OCL, 2020, In press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ocl/2020041
  12. Daurov, D., Zhapar, K., Daurova, A., Volkov, D., Bakbergenova, M., Tolegenova, D., Shamekova, M., Zhambakin, K. Production of virus-free sweet potato planting material for the southeast of Kazakhstan International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2018.-20(4), pp. 851-856. DOI: 10.17957/IJAB/15.0576
  13. K.Daurova, D.L.Daurov, D.V.Volkov, M.O.Bakbergenova, Zh.Zhambakin, M.Kh.Shamekova. Production of rapeseed (Brassica napus) interspecific hybrids with rape (Brassica campestris) and mustard (Brassica juncea) // Journal of Biotechnology. – 2017. – V.256. – PS99 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.06.1138
  14. Assylbek A.M., Rakhimova Y.V., Krasavin V.F., Yertaeva B.A. Species composition of causal agents of potatoes early blight (cultivar berkut) on the southeast of Kazakhstan// Research, results. № 4 (72) 2016, -С.163-167. ISSN 2304-3334-04
  15. Assylbek A.M., Rakhimova Y. V., Mironenko N. V., Krasavin V.F.,SuleymenovаE., Yertaeva B. A. Identification, morphological characteristics anddistribution of the pathogen of a potato early blight in the south-east of Kazakhstan// Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. Vol. 19, No. (1): 2017 : 227-233 © Global Science Publications ISSN-0972-3005. Scopus

             Information about available patents and other title documents:

  1. Patent №495 on the selection achievement for the winter wheat variety «Raminal». Kokhmetova А.М., Zhambakin К.Zh., Tyupina L.N., Urozaliyev R.А., Yesimbekova М.А., Itenova F.L., Baizhanov Zh.R. 22.10.2008. (in russian)
  2. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the breeding achievement Dandelion kok-sagyz «Saryzhaz». Uteulin К.R., Zhambakin К.Zh., Rakhimbayev I.R., Baitulin I.О., Mukhambetzhanov S.К. Patent №862 from 29.03.2017. (in russian)
  3. Certificate for the grade of kok-sagyz «Saryzhaz». Uteulin К.R., Zhambakin К.Zh., Rakhimbayev I.R., Baitulin I.О., Mukhambetzhanov S.К. Certificate №799 from 13.09.2017. (in russian)
  4. Preliminary patent for an invention №19348. Methods for obtaining embryogenic suspension of wheat haploid cells and a method for obtaining viable haploid regenerating plants. Turasheva S.К., Zhumabayeva B.А., Zhambakin К.Zh., Rakhimbayev I.R. 23.08.2006. (in russian)
  5. Babayev S.А.,Krasavin V.F., Moshnyakov N.А., Sharipova D.S., Krasavina V.К., Abdildayev V.К., Asanbekov А.А., Fedoseyev V.А. Potato variety Sofia. №635 from 16.05.2016 (in russian)

 Results achieved for 2022:

In 2022, initial breeding material (Solánum tuberósum) was analyzed, and 200 potential parental forms were selected for hybridization and genetic analysis for target traits.

Genetic analysis was performed on 200 potato samples, and varieties carrying alleles 1 and 2 of the POT32 gene responsible for low enzymatic discoloration were identified.

The markers SCAR14S6, SCAR14S15, SCAR17S9, SCAR20S2, SCAR24S1, SCAR24S2, SCAR24S3, SCAR26S35, SCAR29S3 associated with tuber shape were analyzed, and the varieties carrying alleles of elongated and round shape were identified. Three allelic variants were identified out of 11 currently known Chy2 gene encoding β-carotene hydroxylase 2, which is directly involved in formation of yellow color of potato pulp.

Genetic diversity and varietal potential of the studied markers were identified, the most common allelic forms were identified, and the percentage of heterozygosity was 68% for all the studied markers.

Work has begun on the study of allelic variants of markers associated with early maturity and composition of starch and sugars.

Work has started on introducing tissue into in vitro culture.

Results achieved for 2024:

  • Selected 200 potential parental forms with target traits, including early maturity, flesh color, and suitability for making French fries and potato chips, based on the studies of 1700 samples of the initial potato breeding material (Solánum tuberósum);
  • Selected 50 samples with optimal traits for further use in breeding, in the study of allelic variants of loci responsible for the traits of flesh color, early maturity, tuber shape, starch, and sugar content, enzymatic darkening, and discoloration;
  • Carried out an analysis of allelic variants of markers associated with early maturity and the composition of starch and sugars, which made it possible to identify the genetic diversity and breeding potential of the initial material for these traits;
  • Carried out an assessment of the expression of genes associated with drought resistance, using transcriptome analysis;
  • Created a collection of in vitro plants of 200 varieties;
  • Obtained hybrid seeds containing target selection traits via crossing of parental forms in the field and controlled conditions;
  • Assessed pollen viability using acetocarmine staining to isolate viable pollen grains, which made it possible to determine the fertility of paternal forms during hybridization;
  • Identified varieties and hybrids based on early maturity, tuber shape, flesh color, and starch content using marker-assisted selection;
  • Obtained first-generation microtubers and minitubers from hybrid seeds under controlled conditions;
  • Planted microtubers and minitubers in three regions of Kazakhstan (Almaty, Kostanay, and Pavlodar regions), where phenological observations of plants were carried out before harvest and C1 tubers were obtained, from which candidate lines for domestic variety(-ies) were isolated;
  • Evaluated C1 clones and parental forms for technological characteristics, including the production of potato chips and frozen French fries;
  • Transferred the selected candidate lines to the farm “Timur” in the Pavlodar region for testing.

Publications in 2024

Articles in peer-reviewed journals recognized by the Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Abilda, J., Salakhova, Z., Sidorik, A., Rasova, N., Daurov, D., Khandakar, R. I., & Zhambakin, K. (2024). Obtaining intervariety hybrids as a starting material for potato breeding.Izdenister Natigeler, 3(103), 269–278. (in Russian) https://doi.org/10.37884/3-2024/30

Theses in foreign and domestic international conferences:

Argynbayeva A., Daurov D., Daurova A., Sapakhova Z., Shamekova M. Monitoring of Viral diseases of Potato in Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the International conference on plant biology and biotechnology (ICPBB 2024) June 3-6, 2024, Almaty, Kazakhstan. – Р. 37.

Articles in foreign journals:

Sapakhova, Z.; Abilda, Z.; Toishimanov, M.; Daurov, D.; Daurova, A.; Raissova, N.; Sidorik, A.; Kanat, R.; Zhambakin, K.; Shamekova, M. Early Generation Selection of Potato Breeding Lines. Horticulturae – 2024, Vol. 10, P. 1121. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae10101121 , Q-1, percentile – 74.

Kanat, R.; Shamekova, M.; Sapakhova, Z.; Toishimanov, M.; Daurov, D.; Raissova, N.; Abilda, Z.; Daurova, A.; Zhambakin, K. Gene Expression Analysis for Drought Tolerance in Early Stage of Potato Plant Development. Biology – 2024, Vol. 13, P. 857. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology13110857 , Q-1, percentile – 85.