- Improved super-elite plant material of apple, pear, grape, raspberry, currant, strawberry, honeysuckle and barberry;
- Virus-free seed potato;
- Plantlets in vitro (tuber’s culture);
- Container culture ex vitro;
- Own-rooted seedlings ornamental shrub and tree crops (roses, clematis, arborvitae, juniper, and others);
- Rooting biostimulator on the basis phytoextracts to improve the efficiency of ornamental and fruit crops cuttings;
- Seed material of Taraxacum kok-saghyz forms with the increased content of rubber;
- First Kazakhstan cultivar of kok-saghyz;
- Precocious high-yield wheat lines of R12 ( 4 lines ) and R4 generation ( 51 line) , obtained by the use of cell technology developed in the laboratory;
- New highly effective bioproducts, that have the ability to stimulate plants’ germination, growth and development and to enhance plants’ resistance to adverse environmental factors (salinity , drought , etc. )