Head of the Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding Kokhmetova Alma Myrzabekovna, Doctor of biological sciences, Professor. She works as the head of the laboratory since 2007. She graduated from the Kazakh Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Agriculture (1983). In 1991 defended her PhD thesis (specialty 06.01.05 «Breeding and Seed»), in 2004 – a doctoral thesis (specialty 00.00.15 «Genetics»). In 2009 she was conferred title of associate professor, in 2015 — the title of professor. The person skilled in the field of plant genetics.
The head of the laboratory is Kokhmetova Alma Myrzabekovna, doctor of biological sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. Since 2012, she has been the National coordinator of the European Biotechnology Association (EBTNA) from the Republic of Kazakhstan. She has been working as a Head of laboratory since 2007. In 1991 she defended her thesis (specialty 06.01.05 «Breeding and seed production»), in 2004 — her doctoral dissertation (specialty 00.00.15 «Genetics»).
In 2009 he was awarded the title of associate professor, in 2015 — the title of professor. Specialist in the field of plant genetics. Author of 259 publications, incl. 2 monographs, 2 methodical recommendations — catalogs, co-author of 1 winter wheat variety and 5 patents for breeding achievement on winter wheat varieties: Alikhan (2011), Raminal (2014), Tulimi-80 (2017) and spring soft Wheat (Kazakhstan (2016) and Stepnaya 53 (2017).
She is the holder of certificates for intellectual property: the algorithm program «Genotype-environment» and «Genetic analysis.» Kokhmetova AM is the co-author of 3 new varieties of winter common wheat transferred together with the institutions of the system of the Ministry of Agriculture to the State variety testing, characterized by high productivity and resistance to rust diseases: Dinara (2013), Shol (2013) and Nazym (2014).
Under her leadership are defended: 1 PhD, 4 PhD-doctoral, 7 master’s theses, now 1 PhD-dissertation is performed. For the first time in the CIS region, it introduced a new technology called Marker Assisted Selection to develop disease-resistant wheat varieties using molecular markers. She is the head of 8 projects financed by the State Budget of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan: No. 0086 / GF-2, 0053 / GF-2, EurAsEC ICR, 2120 / GF-4, 2170 / GF-4, No. 40-14 / NTP 255 MSH, 40-14 / NTP 255 MSC, AR 051325540.
050040, Almaty, 45,Timiriazev str.
Phone/fax: +7(727) 394-75-62
E-mail: gen_kalma@mail.ru
Laboratory staff:
Aigul Magudenova — PhD, Senior Researcher; e-mail: madenova.a@mail.ru
Galymbek Kanat — PhD, Researcher; e-mail: gen_kanat@mail.ru
Atishova Makpal Nurzhumaevna — Master, Researcher; e-mail: maki_87@mail.ru
Keyshilov Zhenis Sovekhanuly — Master, Junior Researcher; e-mail: jeka-sayko@mail.ru
Kumarbayeva Madina Talgarovna — PhD-student, junior researcher; e-mail: madina_kumar90@mail.ru
Zhanuzak Danna Komekovna — Master, Junior Researcher; e-mail: dolphin_969@mail.ru
The main directions of scientific research:
- Development of genetic, molecular genetic methods for creating and evaluating wheat source material;
- Studying the genetics of resistance to three types of wheat rust (Puccinia striiformisf.sp. tritici, Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici, Puccinia graminis f.sp.tritici) and to smut (Tilletia caries) using classical and molecular methods of genetics and selection ;
- Studying the genetics of resistance to diseases of wheat leaf spots (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Septoria tritici), using molecular markers and selective toxins of pathogenic fungi to increase the productivity and resistance of wheat varieties to diseases.
- Associative mapping for resistance to wheat diseases in the collection of soft wheat varieties.
- Integration of methods for identifying wheat resistance genes and selecting promising forms in classical breeding programs for wheat improvement — Marker Assisted Selection.
- Development of promising lines and new varieties of wheat, combining high productivity, grain quality and other economically valuable traits and properties.
The major achievements:
- A series of works in the field of quantitative and molecular genetics, aimed at the genetic improvement and the creation of a valuable source of wheat material were carried out.
- Using a complex of morphological (Ltn) and microsatellite markers the new carriers and donors of durable durable resistance with Adult Plant Resistance gene Lr34 were developed.
- The theoretical basis for the formation agamospermal forms of wheat that improve the selection process by fixing heterosis effect were studied;
- Genetics of resistance to wheat stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) in the number of entries was studied and, on this basis highly efficient methods of prediction of the resistance to disease have been developed. Effective in the region rust resistance genes were identified.
- Marker Assisted Selection methods for identification of disease-resistant lines into breeding are developed and implemented.
- On the basis of study of race structure of the pathogen striiformis 10 new virulent rust pathotypes have been identified.
- Genetic control of resistance to aggressive races striiformis in commercial cultivars of wheat was studied. Using molecular marker 27 gene carriers of Yr18, 35 carriers of Yr5, 21 carriers of Yr15, and 9 carriers of Yr10 gene.
- The donors of resistance to stem rust of wheat was revealed and the collection of samples of wheat, combining field and seedling resistance to disease with high productivity was formed; the carriers of Sr-genes effective against dangerous stem rust race Ug99 have been identified; selected 22 wheat lines resistant to 5 virulent pathotypes graminis.
- A technology commercial varieties of wheat improvement for resistance to leaf rust was developed; On the basis of molecular screening in wheat material the genes Lr29, Lr10, Lr35/Sr39, Lr24/Sr24, Lr68, Lr37/Sr38/Yr17, Lr19/Sr25, Lr26/Sr31/Yr9/Pm8 have been identified.
- A collection of adaptive traits, including 150 samples of wheat, which are recommended as sources and donors of resistance to abiotic and biotic environmental factors is formed and transferred to the National Gene Pool Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Wheat genotypes with complex resistance to 2 races of Ptr and 2 toxins (HST ToxA and ToxB) tan spot Pyrenophora tritici-repentis were created and introduced into production.
- Marker Assisted Selection technology introduced in breeding, resulting in the development of promising lines transferred to the State Variety Trials.
Results of breeding work:
- Drought-resistant high-yielding cultivars of wheat (Icar, Zhenis, Nureke, Komsomolskaya 1) were developed.
- Conjunction with agencies of the Ministry of Agriculture new cultivars of winter wheat characterized by high productivity and resistance to rust diseases: Dinara (2013), Shol (2013) and Nazym (2014) are transferred to the State Variety Testing.
- The patent for breeding achievement – new cultivars of winter wheat Alikhan (№779, 2011) and Raminal (№495, 2014 г.) spring soft wheat Kazakhstan 75 (№617, 2016 г.) and Stepnaya 53 (№756, 2017 г.) were received.
Projects (2015-2019):
- Grant № 2120/GF-4: «Pyramiding of Yr-genes using DNA-technologies for development of advanced wheat materials with broad spectrum of resistance to wheat yellow rust», 2015-2017 (supervisor — D.Sc. A.M. Kokhmetova);
- Grant № 2170/GF-4: «Identification of wheat germplasm resistant to Septoria and tan spot using molecular markers and selective toxins of pathogenic fungi to increase the productivity and resistance to wheat leaf spotting diseases», 2015-2017 (supervisor — D.Sc. A.M. Kokhmetova);
- Grant № 0949/GF-4 «Development of drought resistant and varieties of wheat based on wild relatives germplasm using breeding, cytogenetic and molecular approaches», 2015-2017 (supervisor — D.Sc. A.I. Sedlovsky);
- Grant of Ministry of Agriculture NANOC: «Development of promising wheat lines with resistance to leaf rust and drought using plant breeding and molecular-genetic methods», 2015-2017 (supervisor — D.Sc. A.M. Kokhmetova).
- Grant № AP05132540: “Associative mapping for pyrenophorosis resistance to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in the collection of common wheat varieties cultivated in Kazakhstan”, 2018-2020. (Head — Dr. Sci. A. M. Kokhmetova).
- Grant № AP05131091: “Identification of carriers of Bt-genes for resistance to head smut (Tilletia caries (DC) Tul.) in Kazakhstan and foreign germplasm using DNA technologies and creating promising wheat lines for introduction into organic farming” 2018-2020. (Head — PhD A.K. Madenova).
Scientific cooperation with international organizations
- Genetic Resources Center. Kansas State University, USA. Plant Pathology Department. 4711 Throckmorton Hall. Manhattan KS.
- Washington State University, USDA-ARS, Wheat Genetics, Quality, Physiology and Disease Research Unit, Department Plant Pathology. Pullman 201 Johnson Hall, WA 99164-6430
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. (CIMMYT-Turkey, P.K. 39 Emek 06511 Ankara, Turkey).
- Selcuk University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 42079 Campus, Konya Turkey.
- ICARDA-Tashkent, Biodiversity and Integrated Gene Management Program. P.O. Box 4564, Tashkent 100000, Uzbekistan.
- The University of Sydney. Australian Cereal Rust Control Program. Plant Breeding Institute, Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. 107 Cobbitty Rd, Cobbitty, 2570.
- All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection, phytosanitary monitoring lab with agricultural crops (St. Petersburg 196608, Pushkin, Podbelskogo Highway 3, Russia). Joint research on the identification of the racial composition of leaf rust of wheat.
- All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection, Lab. of phytosanitary monitoring for agricultural crops (36350000 Krasnodar, ul. Rashpilevskaya, Russia). Joint research on the identification of the racial composition of the pathogen tan spot.
Scientific-educational activities, undergraduates, doctoral 2012-2016
University, period | Name | Subject |
MSc, Kazakh National Pedagogical University in 2010-2012. Speciality 6M0011300 — Biology Education Orken. | Аtishova M.N. | Identification of carriers of stem rust Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici resistance genes. |
MSc, Kazakh National Agrarian University, 2014-2016. Specialty 6M081100 — Plant Protection and Quarantine. | Keyshilov J.S. | Phytopathology study of resistance to tan spot (Drechslera tritici-repentis) in winter wheat in conditions of south-east Kazakhstan.
MSc, Kazakh National Agrarian University, 2012-2014. Specialty 6M081100 — Plant Protection and Quarantine. | Kumarbayeva M.T. | Identification of sources of resistance to yellow rust of wheat from ICARDA international nurseries. |
MSc, Kazakh National Agrarian University, 2012-2014. Specialty 6M081100 — Plant Protection and Quarantine. | Mapanbek S. | Genetic, breeding and phytopathological study of resistance to yellow rust in cultivars and lines of winter wheat.
MSc, Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, 2013-2015. Specialty 6M070100 — Biotechnology. | Zhanuzak D. | Molecular identification of sources of resistance to wheat tan spot. |
PhD doctoral studies, Kazakh National Agrarian University, 2013-2015. Specialty 6M081100 — Plant Protection and Quarantine. | Madenova A.K. | Identification of germplasm resistant to leaf rust (Puccinia Recondita Rob. Ex Desm.) adapted to south and south-east conditions of Kazakhstan. |
PhD doctoral studies, Kazakh National Agrarian University, 2012-2014. Specialty 6D080800 – Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry. | Sapakhova Z.B. | Development of the system for the application of chemization tools for promising winter wheat cultivars, resistant to leaf rust. |
PhD doctoral studies, Kazakh National Agrarian University, 2013-2015. Specialty 6M081100 — Plant Protection and Quarantine. | Yessenbekova G.T. | Мoлекулалық және cелекциялық әдіcтермен бидайдың cары тат (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) ауруына төзімді ген иелерін идентификациялау |
PhD doctoral studies, Kazakh National Agrarian University, 2013-2015. Specialty 6M081100 — Plant Protection and Quarantine. | Galymbek k. | Бидай сорттарының қоңыр тат (Puccinia recondita Rob. Ex. Desm) ауруына фитопатологиялық және молекулалық скринингі
PhD doctoral studies, Kazakh National Agrarian University, 2018-2021 гг. Specialty 6D080100 -Agronomy | Kumarbayeva M. |
Scientific-teaching activities
Name | University | Position |
A.M. Kokhmetova | Kazakh National Agrarian University . | D.Sci., Professor |
Foreign internships, scholarships
- Kokhmetova A.M. Fellowship MASHAV, Israel, study program “Biological and Physical aspects of Crop Production in arid zones”, Beer Sheva, Israel. 01.12.1995-31.01. 1996.
- Kokhmetova A.M. Cochran Program “Seed&Seed Technology” (08-22.02.1997). Iowa State University and Kansas State University, USA.
- Kokhmetova A.M. Fellowship IPGRI, Darvin Initiative training course in Plant conservation (07. 07. 1997-26.07. 1997), Sharvas, Hungary.
- Kokhmetova A.M. Fellowship of Embassy of India, Int. Program on Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad, India (02.11.1998-11.12.1998).
- Kokhmetova A.M. Fellowship Kingdom of the Netherlands. Fellowship program, Int. Course on Applied Plant Breeding, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands (14.03-25.06.1999).
- Kokhmetova A.M. Fellowship Kingdom of the Netherlands. Int. Course on Plant Variety Protection, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands (10.05. – 21.05. 1999).
- Коkhmetova A.M. Training Course on Seedling Assessment of Wheat Rusts. ICARDA. Aleppo, Syria. 13-25.2009.
- Esenbekova G.T. Training: Molecular genetic methods for identification and genotyping economically valuable traits in wheat. Center for Molecular Biotechnology RGAU-ICCA them. KA Timiryazev Moscow. 2.11.2009 — 1.12. 2009.
- Patotyping and definition racial composition of the population wheat tan spot. All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection. Pest Monitoring Laboratory to agricultural crops. Krasnodar. Russia. 24.09.2012 — 6.10.2012.
- Sapahova Z.B. Fellowship MASHAV, Israel, Study Program «Biotechnology in Agriculture in a World of Global Environmental Changes». Hebrew University. Rehovot. Israel, 06.02.2012-05.04.2012.
- Sapahova Z.B. Training: “Identification of leaf rust resistance genes in wheat mapping population”. Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey. 30.10.2012-28.02.2013.
- Madenova A.K. Training: “Modern molecular methods in wheat improvement for disease resistance”. Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd. Co., Szeged, Hungary, 03.04-22.05.2014.
- Galymbek K. Training: “Evaluation wheat resistance to stem rust”. All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection, St. Petersburg. 12.05.- 22.05.
- Keyshilov J.S. Training: «Agricultural Business» organized by Nowy Sacz School of Business, National Louis University, Nowy Sacz, Poland. 20.05.2015 – 29.05.2015.
- Yessenbekova G.T. Training: Молекулярные методы идентификации генов устойчивости к болезням пшеницы. Institute of Field and Vegitable Crops. Serbia, Novi Sad. 02 – 29.02. 2016.
- Galymbek K. Training: “Seedling Assesment of Wheat Rusts”. Directorate of Field Crops Central Research Institute (FCCRI), Ankara, TURKEY. 02.02 – 10.02.
- Galymbek K. Training: “Rust Pathotyping of Yellow and Leaf Rust of Wheat”. Directorate of Field Crops Central Research Institute (FCCRI), Ankara, TURKEY. 11.02 – 29.02.
Major publications (books, monographs, articles in rating journals).
- Kokhmetova A. M., Ali S., Sapakhova Z., Atishova M. N. 2018. Identification of genotypes-carriers of resistance to tan spot Ptr ToxA and Ptr ToxB of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in common wheat collection. Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 22 (8): 978–986 DOI 10.18699/VJ18.440 (in Russian). (Thomson Reuters; Scopus; БД РИНЦ).
- Kokhmetova, O. Kremneva, G. Volkova, M. Atishova, Z. Sapakhova. Еvaluation of wheat cultivars growing in Kazakhstan and Russia for resistance to tan spot. Journal of Plant Pathology (2017), 99(1), 161-167. DOI: 10.4454/jpp.v99i1.3812 (БД Tomson Reuters).
- Kokhmetova, A., Sharma, R., Rsaliyev, S., Galymbek, K., Baymagambetova, K., Ziyaev, Z., Morgounov, A. Evaluation of Central Asian wheat germplasm for stripe rust resistance. Plant Genetic Resources, 2017.-1-7. doi:10.1017/S1479262117000132 (БД Tomson Reuters).
- Galymbek K., Kokhmetova A.M., Akan K., Madenova A.K., Atishova M.N. Identification of germplasm of Wheat on leaf rust (Puccinia recondita Rob. ex Desm. f.sp. tritici). Ecology, environment and conservation, 2017. 23 (2); pp. (1211-1218). (БД SCOPUS).
- Kokhmetova A., Madenova A., Kampitova G., Urazaliev R., Yessimbekova M., Morgounov A., Purnhauser L. Identification of Leaf Rust Resistance Genes in Wheat Cultivars Produced in Kazakhstan //Cereal Research Communications, 2016, 44 (2), pp. 240–250. DOI: 10.1556/0806.43.2015.056. (БД Tomson Reuters).
- Gultyaeva E.I., Akhmetov A.K., M.K. Karabaev, Kokhmetova A.M., Shaydayuk E.L., Aristova M.K., Galymbek K. Polymorphism of Kazakhstan fungus Puccinia triticina Eriks populations in virulence and SSR-markers // Proc. XIII International scientific-practical conference «Agricultural science and agro-industrial complex on the turn of the century.» — Novosibirsk, 22 January, 24 February, 2016 g.- S.14-19
- Yessenbekova G.T., Kokhmetova A.M., Kampitova G.A., Jevtic R. Sources and donors for soft wheat selection by resistance to yellow rust // Biosciences biotechnology research Asia. — 2016. — Vol. 13(2). – P. 693-700. (БД SCOPUS).
- А.М. Кохметова, О.Ю. Кремнева, Ж.С. Кейшилов, Н. Ж. Султанова. Расовый состав и вирулентность изолятов Pyrenophоra tritici—repentis в Северо-кавказском регионе России и Республике Казахстан // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. 2016. №3. С.57-66.
- Morgounov A., B. Akin, L.Ã.Demir, M. Keser, , S. Martynov, Å. Orhan,F.Ozdemir, Ä. Ãzseven, Z. Sapakhova, M. Yessimbekova. Yield gain in leaf rust resistant and susceptible winter wheat varieties due to fungicide application // Crop and Pasture Science 66 (7). – 2015. – P. 649-659. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CP14158. Thomson Reuters
- Madenova А., Kokhmetova А., Kampitova G., Purnhauser L., M. Atishova. Identification of the carriers of genes for resistance to wheat leaf rust using molecular markers //Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, August 2015. vol. 12(2), 1683-1690. Scopus
- Kokhmetova A., Z.Sapakhova, A.Madenova, M. Atishova, G.Yessenbekova, К. Galymbek Identification of wheat germplasms resistant to leaf and stripe rust using molecular markers. // Journal of Biotechnology 185(2014). S18–S36. P.29. http: //dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.jbiotec.2014.07.099. Thomson Reuters
- Kokhmetova A., Z. Sapakhova, R. Urazaliev, M. Yessimbekova, R. Yeleshev, A. Morgounov. Effect of Spring Biomass Removal on Expression of Agronomic Traits of Winter Wheat // World Applied Sciences Journal 30 (3): 322-329, 2014. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2014.30.03.14026. Scopus
- Galymbek K., Kumarbayeva M.T., Ғалымбек Қ., Kokhmetova A., Keyshilov J.S. Identification of sources of resistance to yellow rust from ICARDA nurseries // Izdenister, Natizheler. Issledovania. Rezultaty. – 2015.– №2. – P. 157-162.
- Madenova А., Kokhmetova А., Kampitova G., , M. Atishova, Sapakhova Z.B. Molecular and genetic screening of kazak cultivars for resistance to leaf rust // Izvestiya NAN RK, ser. agrarn., 2015. — №2 (26). P. 70-75.
- Atishova, Kokhmetova А., Sapakhova Z., Madenova А., Urazaliev R.A., Yessimbekova M.A. Identification of sources of yellow and leaf rust resistance genes using molecular markers // Izvestiya NAN RK, ser. biol. and med., 2015. — №3. – P. 57-63.
- Kokhmetova А., M. Atishova, Sapakhova Z., Urazaliev R.A. Molecular screening of wheat samples for resistance to tan spot Pyrenophora tritici-repentis // Izvestiya NAN RK, ser. biol. and med., 2015. — № 3. — P. 48-56.
- Kokhmetova A.M., Sapahova Z.B., Madenova A.K., Esenbekova G.T. Identification of carriers of resistance genes to yellow Yr5, Yr10, Yr15 and leaf rust Lr26, Lr34 based on molecular screening of wheat samples // Biotekhnologia. Teoria I practica. – 2014. — №1. — P. 71-78.
- Kokhmetova, Yessenbekova G., Morgounov A., Ogbonnaya F. 2012. The screening of wheat germplasm for resistance to stripe and leaf rust in Kazakhstan // Journal of Life Science, USA. 2012. Vol. 6, No. 4. P.353-362.
- Kokhmetova А.M., Atishova M.N. Identification of sources of resistance to wheat stem rust using molecular markers // Vavilovsky journal genetics and breeding, 2012. — т. 16, №1.- P. 132-141.
- Kokhmetova A.M., Atishova M.N. 2012. Identification of sources of resistance to wheat stem rust using molecular markers // Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 6. – P.486-493. SCOPUS
- R.C. Sharma, S. Rajaram, S. Alikulov, Z. Ziayev, S.Hazа-ratkulova,M.Khordarahami, S.M. Nazeri, S.Belen, Z.Khalikulov, M.Mosaad, Y. Kaya, M.Keser, Z.Eshonova, A. Kokhmetova, M.G. Ahmedov, M.R. Jlal Kamali, A.I. Morgounov. 2012. Improved winter wheat genotypes for Central and West Asia // Euphytica, 2013, Vol. 190 (1). P 19-31. DOI 10, 1007/s10681-012-0732-y. Thomson Reuters
- Kokhmetova A., Morgounov A., Rsaliev Sh., Rsaliev A., Yessenbekova G., Typina L. 2011. Wheat Germplasm Screening for Stem Rust Resistance Using Conventional and Molecular Techniques. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (CJGPB). 47:146-154. Thomson Reuters
- Kokhmetova A., Chen X., Rsaliyev Sh. 2010. Identification of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, characterization of wheat cultivars for resistance, and inheritance of resistance to stripe rust in Kazakhstan wheat cultivars. The Asian and Australasian Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology. 4 (Special Issue 1): 64-70.
- Kokhmetova A., Rsaliev Sh. 2008. Identification of wheat germplasm resistant to Puccinia recondita using genetic and molecular markers. Proc. of Int. conference «Conventional and Molecular Breeding of Field and Vegitable Crops” Novi Sad, Serbia, 24-27 November 2008. P. 273-276.
- Kokhmetova A.M., Yessimbekova M.A., Absattarova A.S., Morgunov A.I. (2005). Inheritance of yellow rust resistance in wheat cultivars. In: Increasing wheat production in Central Asia through science and international cooperation. CIMMYT, Р.133-137.
- Kokhmetova A.M., Sariyeva S., Kenjebayeva S. (2003) Yield stability and drought resistance in wheat. Acta Botanica Hungarica, Budapest, 45, 1-2, 153-161. SCOPUS
Books, monographs:
- Kohmetova AM (2005). Genetic aspects of adaptability of wheat. Almaty, 210 c.
- Guidelines (2011). Rsaliev S.S., Sedlovsky A.I., Kokhmetova A.M., Rsaliev A.S., Tileubaeva J.S., Tyupina L.N., Esenbekova G.T., Atishova M.N., Agabaeva A.C. Catalog of varieties and samples of wheat with resistance genes to leaf rust. Almaty. 70 p.
- Kokhmetova AM (2015). Resistant wheat to tan spot. Catalog of donors and carriers of resistance genes // Almaty, 2015. – 124 p.
- Kokhmetova AM Sapahova ZB, Atishova MN, MT Kumarbaeva, Madenova AK Marker selection for the development of advanced forms of wheat resistant to yellow and leaf rust (2015) // Guidelines. Almaty. — 2015. — 32 p.
Innovation activity (patents, grants, contracts, implementations)
- Kokhmetova A.M., Zhambakin K.Zh., Tyupina L.N., Urozoliev R.A., Esimbekova M.A., Itenova F., Baizhanov J. Author’s certificate and patent for selection achievement — a new winter variety common wheat «Raminal». Patent RK №495, Astana, Min. Just., 2014. Publ. NIIS number 1 of 01.15.2015.
- Kokhmetova A.M., Zhambakin K.Zh., Karabaev M.K., Tyupina L.N., RSaliev Sh.S., Esimbekova M.A., Urozoliev R.A., Nurpeisov I.A., Sarbaev A.T., Baymagambetova K.K., Itenova F.L. Author’s certificate and patent for selection achievement — a new variety «Alikhan». Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 779. 2011. Publ. NIIP of 11/02/2017
- Urozaliev R.A., Nurbekov S.I., Ainebekova B.A., Kuttumbetova N.T., Abugalieva A.I., Sarbaev A.T., Kokhmetova A.M. The copyright certificate and patent for selection achievement is a new variety of winter soft wheat «Talim_80». Patent RK №782. Astana, Min. Just Publ. NIIP of 11/02/2017.
- Urozaliev R.A., Baymagambetova K.K., Abugaliev S.G., Tsygankov I.G., Tsygankov V.I., Kokhmetova A.M., Tyupina L.N. Author’s certificate and patent for selection achievement — a new variety of spring wheat “Kazakhstan 75”. Patent RK № 617. Astana, Min. Just from 03.15.2016
- Tsygankov V.I., Tsygankov I.G., Tuleuov A.S., Shaninov TS, Tsygankova M.Yu., Baimagambetova K.K., Abugaliev S.G., Sedlovsky A.I., Kokhmetova A.M. Author’s certificate and patent for selection achievement — a new variety of spring soft wheat “Stepnaya 53”. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 756. Astana, Min. Just from 03.30.2017
- Sedlovsky A.I., Novokhatin V.V., Tyupina L.N. Copyright certificate of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Testing and Protection of Selection Achievements No. 32233106. Variety of spring soft wheat IKAR. 01/29/2001.
- Sedlovsky A.I., Leonova T.A., Novokhatin V.V., Sarbaev A.T., Tyupina L.N., Urazaliev R.A. Author’s certificate of the State Commission of the Russian Federation on Testing and Protection of Breeding Achievements No. 35123. A variety of spring soft wheat AVIADA. 09.01.2001.
- Sedlovsky A.I., Urazaliev R.A., Nurpeisov I.A., Tynybaev N.K., Tyupina L.N. Copyright certificate of the State Commission for Crop-Testing of Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 204. Variety of spring wheat GENIS. August 18, 2005.
- Ilyichev S.S., Urazaliev R.A., Seytkhozhaev A.I., Kokhmetova A.M., Balan G.I., Kozhakhmetov K., Ivashchenko A.T. Author’s certificate number 31, a variety of winter common wheat Komsomolskaya 1. Publ. State Register of selection achievements of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1994.
- Urazaliev R.A., Kokhmetova A.M., Kalygulova R.Ye., Toksanbaeva N.S. Certificate of authorship. “Genotype environment. Algorithm program. Inv. “540 CIF, VNTI Center, No. 50890000444. 1990.
- Kokhmetova AM, Omarova R., Kalygulova R. Certificate of registration of the intellectual property object No. 073 of 16.04. 2001 Computer Program «Genetic Analysis».
- Training – on the basis of the laboratory, educational, research and production practices of students, undergraduates and PhD-doctoral students of biological and agricultural profile are held annually.
- Internships and trainings for interested scientists to teach modern methods of phytopathological and molecular identification of initial material for wheat breeding.
- Genetic improvement of commercially valuable wheat varieties using marker assisted selection technology.
- For the National Gene Pool of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an identified breeding and disease resistant material is annually generated and transmitted.
- For breeding institutions and farms services in the field of identification and registration of new varieties, analyzes in seed production and seed control, the study of the genetic diversity of a species or culture are offered. Protein markers are used to establish the originality, uniformity and constancy of varieties of different agricultural crops.
- Farmers can be provided with services for screening and phytopathological evaluation of wheat crop for disease resistance — on request.
- Phytosanitary monitoring services for grain crops in order to predict the phytosanitary situation with respect to rust types and leaf spot diseases can be provided.
- A modern technology is proposed — marker selection, i.e. selection using molecular markers, which allows to evaluate the potential of resistance and the presence of disease resistance genes in the genotypes of cultivated varieties. Individual technologies of genetic and agrochemical protection of plants against diseases can be developed.
- Courses «Marker Assisted Selection for the accelerated development of disease-resistant wheat varieties.» The duration of training — 10 days.
Photos of laboratory staff

Head of Laboratory: Alma Myrzabekovna Kokhmetova, D.Sci, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
Aigul Magudenova — PhD, Senior Researcher
Atishova Makpal Nurzhumaevna — Master, Researcher
Galymbek Kanat — PhD, Researcher
Zhanuzak Danna Komekovna — Master, Junior Researcher
Фотографии, результаты работ