AP 23488116 (superviser Mursaliyeva V.)

Brief description of the project



Project title: IRN AP23488116 « Study of saponin-bearing plants (fam. Caryophyllaceae) from the Kazakhstan flora to create new bactericidal and fungicidal biological plant protection products».

Relevance. The development of organic production provides for the use of biological agents or biopesticides for plant protection, which meet international requirements of safety for humans and the environment. The protective role of saponins against a wide range of pathogens and their high biological activity allow considering them as a promising natural basis for obtaining biopesticides. The unique flora of Kazakhstan includes exceptional saponin-bearing plants for the creation of domestic biopesticides based on natural protective compounds.

The goal of the project: to study antibacterial and antifungal properties of promising saponin-bearing plants of local flora and to develop a scientific and methodological basis for the creation of new domestic biological plant protection products on their basis.

Expected results:

1) scientific and methodological basis for the creation of new domestic biological plant protection products based on saponin-bearing plants of Kazakhstan flora;

2) prototypes of effective phytoextracts with bactericidal and fungicidal action;

3) Scientific and methodological recommendations on the study and application of biopesticide properties of saponin-bearing plants — natural sources of new environmentally safe plant protection products;

4) patent for the method of obtaining saponin extracts with bactericidal and fungicidal action.

Scientific Supervisor of the project:

Valentina Mursaliyeva, leading researcher of IPBB, Candidate of biol. Sc. (Ph.D.), chief specialist in the field of plant physiology and biochemistry. Mursaliyeva V. K. was scientific supervisor of 8 applied projects (2000 — 2023), principal investigator within the framework of the scientific-technical programs of the IRPH “Phytochemistry” (2012-2014), Mangyshlak Experimental Botanical Garden (2018-2020), Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction (2021). The author has published: 6 methodological recommendations, 12 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, more than 85 publications, including 9 articles in referred international journals listed in Web of Science and Scopus database (https://app.webofknowledge.com/author/record/12173077,41802049, H-index 3, Scopus Author ID: 55428004100, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4803-9169).

Research group

Dr. Nadezhda Gemejiyeva, leading research scientist, Doctor of biol. Sci., professor, has more than 80 publications, including 12 foreign articles in rating journals listed in Web of Science (Researcher ID: AAQ-4741-2020, H-index 5) or/and Scopus database (Author ID: 55498326000).

Dr. Gulnar Dzhakibayeva, leading research scientist, Candidate of biol. Sci., has more than 50 publications, including article in rating journals listed in Web of Science (Researcher ID: JQT-8300-2023, H-index 1, ORCID 0000-0001-9662-6531).

Dr. Svetlana Turasheva, senior research scientist, Candidate of biol. Sci., has more than 70 publications, including 2 monographs, 8 educational and methodical publications, 3 patent RK, 7 foreign articles in rating journals listed in Web of Science or/and Scopus database (Researcher ID: AAE-9759-201, Scopus Author ID 57205564813, H-index 4, ORCID 0000-0001-9983-8601).

Ms. Horlan Berkimbay, researcher, has 15 publications, including 5 articles in the journals of CQAES of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 foreign articles in rating journals listed in Web of Science or/and Scopus database (Researcher ID: ААР-8113-2020, H-index 2, ORCID 0000-0003-2566-8536).

Ms. Tlek Mukhanov, researcher, has 7 publications, including 2 patents of RK, 3 foreign articles in rating journals listed in Web of Science or/and Scopus database (H-index 2, ResearcherID: JCO-2629-2023, Scopus Author ID 58193281000, ORCID 0000-0002-7590-769X).

Ms. Akmaral Algazy, junior researcher, has 4 publications, including patent of RK, article in rating journal (Q2), listed in Web of Science or/and Scopus database (Researcher ID: IRH-4322-2023, H-index 1, ORCID 0000-0001-5883-9800).

List of publications of the project’s participants (2018-2023) 

  1. Mursaliyeva V.K., Sarsenbek B.T., Dzhakibaeva G.T., Mukhanov T.M., Mammadov R. Total content of saponins, phenols and flavonoids and antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of in vitro culture of Allochrusa gypsophiloides(Regel) Schischk compared to wild plants // Plants Basel, 2023, 12 (20),   Web of Science (WOS) i.f. 4,5, Q1, Scopus pr. 83. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12203521
  2. Mursaliyeva V., Algazy A., Satybaldiyeva D., Mukhanov T.Obtaining of adventitious roots culture of Allochrusa gypsophiloides: saponins-bearing endemic rare species // Plant Biotechnology Reports, 2023, 17(3), 421-425. WOS i.f. 2,4, Q2, Scopus pr. 69. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11816-023-00836-7
  3. Mursaliyeva V.K., Mukhanov T.M., Gemejiyeva N.G., Yeskaliyeva B.K. Chemical analysis and biological activity of Turkestan soaproot Allochrusa gypsophiloides (Regel) Schischk growing in the south of Kazakhstan// Khimiya Rastitel’nogo Syr’ya. 2023, N.3, 183-191. Scopus pr. 10 Q4. DOI: 10.14258/jcprm.20230311993.
  4. Mursaliyeva V.K., Algazy A.T., Satybaldiyeva D.N., Mukhanov T.M. Adventitious root in vitro cultures of Turkestan soaproot Allochrusa gypsophiloides (Regel) Schischk. // Experimental biology, 2023, 94(1), 25-39. URL: https://doi.org/10.26577/eb.2023.v94.i1.03
  5. Mursalıyeva V., Algasy A., Mukhanov T., Mammadov R. & Gemejiyeva N. Quantitative Determination of Metabolites of Turkestan Soaproot (Allochrusa gypsophiloides (Regel) Schischk.) Grown in Kazakhstan. International Journal of Nature and Life Sciences, 2022, 6 (2), 129-141.URL: https://doi.org/10.47947/ijnls.1180197
  6. Mursaliyeva V., Imanbayeva A., Parkhatova R. Seed germination of Allochrusa gypsophiloides (Caryophyllaceae), an endemic species from Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Seed Science and Technology, 2020, 48(2):289-295. WOS i.f. 0,5, Q4, Scopus pr. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15258/sst.2020.48.2.15
  7. Mursaliyeva V., Imanbayeva A. Micropropagation of Turkestan Soap Root Allochrusa gypsophiloides – natural source of saponins. International Journal of Secondary metabolite, 2020, 7(1):1-7. https://doi.org/10.21448/IJSM.627140
  8. Zhumaliyeva G, Zhussupova A, Zhusupova GE, Błońska-Sikora E, Cerreto A, Omirbekova N, Zhunusbayeva Z, Gemejiyeva N, Ramazanova M, Wrzosek M, et al. Natural Compounds of Salvia Genus and Molecular Mechanism of Their Biological Activity. Biomedicines. 2023; 11(12):3151. WOS i.f. 3,9, Q2, Scopus pr. 74, https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines11123151.
  9. Dzhakibayeva G., Sadanov A., Ismailova Е., Baimahanova B., Molzhigitova А., Baimahanova G., Shemshura O., Tleubekova D., Elubaeva А. Evaluation of the inhibitory activity of collection yeast cultures against the causative agent of bacterial burn Erwinia amylovora. Microbiology and Virology, 2023, 2(41), 173–182. https://doi.org/10.53729/MV-AS.2023.02.11.
  10. Patent RK № 7649 for the utility model. Method of obtaining of adventitious roots culture of the Turkestan soap root Allochrusa gypsophiloides in vitro conditions. Mursaliyeva V.K., Algasy A.T., Mukhanov T.M.., Sarsenbek B.Т.

 Results for 2024:

A botanical analysis of the current state of natural populations of saponin-containing species (fam. Caryophyllaceae) during expeditionary surveys in the Balkhash and Enbekshikazakh districts of the Almaty region has been carried out. Natural populations of 3 species of the genera Acanthophyllum C. A. Mey. and Gypsophila L have been identified in a desert area in the vicinity of Konaev and the village. Bakbakty, in the vicinity of the Bartogai reservoir and the foothill plain of the Bala Boguty mountains. Gypsophila paniculata and G. perfoliata are small groups within the whole-leaved flax and karelinium-grain-sophora communities. The population of A. pungens in the foothill valley of the Bala Boguta Mountains is a saxaul-thorn-wormwood community (0.9 ha) with a raw material reserve density of 0.2 specimens/m2. The coordinates of the locations were determined and the phytocenotic characteristics of the populations were given, samples of seeds and initial plant raw materials were collected. The first assessment of saponin content in wild species G. paniculata, G. perfoliata and A.pungens growing in  the Almaty region, have shown their promise as sources of triterpene saponins of the β-amyrin series in the following order: A.pungens > G.perfoliata > G.paniculata. The greatest amount of saponins (up to 27%) is in the roots of A. pungens at the end of the vegetation; in G. perfoliata — at the stage of flowering- fruiting, in the roots of 14% — 24%, in the flowering aboveground — 12.7%; in large roots of G. paniculata — up to 14%, fruiting. Optimal timing for harvesting raw materials: underground organs — end of August-September, fruiting phase-end of vegetation, aboveground part – July-August, flowering.

 Publications (2024):

Mursaliyeva V.K., Mukhanov T.M. Adventitious roots culture of Allochrusa gypsophiloides: saponins-bearing rare species // The International conference of Plant Biology and Biotechnology. Almaty, 3-6 June 2024, p. 159. https://primerdigital.com/ICPBB2024/files/ABSTRACTS_BOOK.pdf

Mursaliyeva V.K., Mukhanov T.M. Establishment of in vitro culture and chemical composition of hexane extract of callus and regenerants of Niedzwedzkia semiretschenskia // 7th Symposium of Euroasian biodiversity. Erzurum Türkiye, 22-24 August, 2024, p.130. https://seabsymp.com/en/abstract-book/

Nurzhanova A.A, Mamirova A., Mursaliyeva V., Nurmagambetova A., Zhumasheva Z., Turdiyev T., Kushnarenko S., Ismailova E. In Vitro Approbation of Microbial Preparations to Shield Fruit Crops from Fire Blight: Physio-Biochemical Parameters //Plant Basel, 13 (11): 1431.   WOS, Q1, процентиль Scopus 85. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13111431.