Brief description of the project
Project title: IRN AP14870410 «Development and implementation of the accelerated production method of pre-basic seed potato in tissue culture».
Relevance. Potato growing is one of the key branches of crop production that determine the food security of Kazakhstan. The republic needs up to 700 thousand tons of seed potatoes per year. In addition to seed potatoes, which are grown in Kazakhstan, about 30 thousand tons of seed potatoes are imported annually, while about 80% of this volume is imported from the Netherlands through private companies. One of the most important tasks of intensive potato seed production is the accelerated production of virus-free pre-basic potato material. The advantage of accelerated production of healthy plant material includes the main stages – the release of seed material from infection and high-quality material propagation with the minimum possible accumulation of pathogens. To reduce the potential risks associated with contamination by soil pathogens, as well as to eliminate the need for chemical disinfectants, which are usually harmful to human health, this project assumes the use of temporary immersion bioreactors. The use of a temporary immersion bioreactor will improve the quality, reduce the cost of seed potato, and reduce its import. As a result, yields and labor productivity in seed and commodity farms of Kazakhstan for potato production will be increased. The application of the biotechnological method, namely the use of a laboratory method for improving promising potato varieties and hybrids, as well as obtaining them in accelerated microclonal reproduction using a bioreactor, is an urgent direction. The scientific novelty of the project lies in a new method of obtaining pre-basic potato seeds in tissue culture, which will speed up and reduce the cost of seed potato production in farms.
The goal of the project: Develop and implement the accelerated production of pre-basic seed potato in tissue culture into the seed production farming in Kazakhstan.
Expected results:
During the implementation of the project, a method of accelerated production of pre-base seed potatoes in tissue culture in one of the seed farms of Kazakhstan will be developed and implemented.
To implement the developed method in the seed farm, optimal equipment and its equipment for the production reproduction of potato plants in vitro will be selected; optimal parameters for growing potato plants in vitro in a bioreactor are obtained; optimal parameters for obtaining potato microtubers in a bioreactor are obtained; the assembly, launch and commissioning of the bioreactor is carried out directly in the producer farm. The farm staff will also be trained in the developed method of obtaining pre-base seed potatoes in tissue culture. After the introduction of the method in the farm for a year, the research group will provide methodological support for the implemented method.
According to the results of the project , the following results will be:
— at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five);
— or at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five), and the act of implementation (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Investment and Development «On approval of the form of the act of implementation of the results of research, scientific and technical works and (or) the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities and the rules for its approval» No. 791 dated November 14, 2018), prepared as a result of the implementation of the project of scientific and technical products (new methods) or a license agreement for it.
— as well as at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by CQAES;
— or at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication included in the 1st (first) or 2nd (second) quartile of the impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 65 (sixty-five).
Scientific Supervisor of the project: Leading Researcher, PhD., Assoc. prof. Shamekova M.Kh.
Research group: Shamekova Malika Khabidulaevna, Sapakhova Zagipa Beisenovna, Daurov Dias Lamzarovich, Daurova Ainash Kenenbaykyzy, Zhapar Kuanysh Kabyluly, Berstenev Sergey Vladimirovich, Raisova Nurgul Userbaevna, Akhmetova Aisulu Khamzaevna, Sadykova Asel Dulatovna.
List of publications of the project’s participants (2017-2022)
- Daurov, D., Daurova, A., Karimov, A. Tolegenova, D., Volkov, D., Raimbek D., Zhambakin K., Shamekova M. Determining Effective Methods of Obtaining Virus-Free Potato for Cultivation in Kazakhstan. American Journal of Potato Research. – 2020. – 97(4). – 367-375. percentile — 60, quartile — Q3, citation index – 0; DOI:10.1007/s12230-020-09787-z
- Daurov D., Zhapar K. Daurova A., Volkov D., BakbergenovaM., Tolegenova D., Shamekova M., Zhambakin K. Production of virus-free sweet potato planting material for the southeast of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2018, 20(4), стр. 851–856 percentile — 49, quartile (WoS) — Q3, citation index – 1; DOI 10.1051/ocl/2020041
- Жамбакин К.Ж., Волков Д.В., Дауров Д.Л., Даурова А.К., Жапар К.К., Шамекова М.Х. (2020). Проблемы производства микроклубней и миниклубней для семеноводства картофеля. Известия Национальной Академии Наук Кыргызской Республики. № 3. – С. 88-93.
- Volkov, A. Argynbayeva, D. Daurov, K. Zhapar, Zh. Abai, K. Zhambakin, M. Shamekova (2020) Accelerated production of virus-free Potato planting material using a bioreactor. Reports of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan. 5(333): 56-62. DOI:10.32014/2020.2518-1483.119
- Д.В. Волков, Д.Л. Дауров, К. Даурова, Ж.С. Абай, К.К. Жапар, К.Ж. Жамбакин, М.Х. Шамекова (2020). Получение микроклубней картофеля в жидкой питательной среде. Известия Национальной Академии Наук Беларуси.Серия аграрных наук. Т. 58. № 4. C. 432–442.
- Madenova A., Sapakhova Z., Bakirov S., Galymbek K., Yernazarova G., Kokhmetova A., Keishilov Z. Screening of wheat genotypes for the presence of common bunt resistance genes. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 2021. Vol. 28(5). P. 2816-2823. percentile — 90, quartile (WoS) – Q2, citation index – 0; DOI:1016/j.sjbs.2021.02.013
- Kokhmetova, A., Kremneva, O., Volkova, G., Atishova, M., Sapakhova, Z. Evaluation of wheat cultivars growing in Kazakhstan and Russia for resistance to tan spot. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2017, 99(1), стр. 161–167 percentile — 41, quartile (WoS) — Q3, citation index – 17; DOI: 10.4454/jpp.v99i1.3812
- Kokhmetova, A.M., Ali, Sh., Sapakhova, Z., Atishova, M.N. Identification of genotypes-carriers of resistance to tan spot Ptr ToxA and Ptr ToxB of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in common wheat collection | Идентификация генотипов-носителей устойчивости к токсинам пиренофороза Ptr ToxA и Ptr ToxB Pyrenophora tritici-repentis в коллекции мягкой пшеницы. Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii, 2018, 22(8), стр. 978–986 percentile — 38, quartile (WoS) — Q3, citation index – 9; DOI 10.4454/jpp.v99i1.3812
- Kalendar, R., Muterko, A., Shamekova, M., Zhambakin, K. In silico PCR tools for a fast primer, probe, and advanced searching. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2017, 1620, стр. 1–31 percentile — 24, citation index – 16; DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7060-5_1
- Shamekova, M., Mendoza, M.R., Hsieh, J., Lindbo, Y.-C., R.T., Omarov, R.T., Scholthof, H.B. Tombusvirus-based vector systems to permit over-expression of genes or that serve as sensors of antiviral RNA silencing in plants. Virology, 2014, 452-453, стр. 159–165 percentile — 68, quartile (WoS) — Q3, citation index – 9; DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2013.12.031
- Омаров Р.Т., Масалимов Ж.К., Шамекова М.Х., Ергалиев Т.М., Жангазин С,Б., Мукиянова Г.С., Акбасова А.Ж., Бари А.А., Нурбекова Ж.А., Тлеукулова Ж.Б., Батыршина Ж.С., Бектурова А.Ж. Гаджимурадова А.М., Сутула М.Ю. Способ определения вирусной инфекции в растительных тканях экспресс методом // Патент на полезную модель №3684.
Results for 2022:
- Various types of bioreactors were tested; temporary immersion bioreactors RITA® (France) and SETIS™ (Belgium) were taken for the experiment. For mass propagation of potatoes in a bioreactor, SETIS™ has become the most efficient bioreactor, which is able to accommodate more than 100 explants per 1 liter. Whereas RITA® temporary immersion bioreactors have a small volume of nutrient medium (250 ml) with a maximum capacity of 40 explants. Thus, for the accelerated production reproduction of potato plants in vitro, we will use SETIS™ temporary immersion bioreactors.
- Work began on optimizing the parameters affecting the growth and development of plants in vitro in the bioreactor, 10 variants of MS nutrient media (Murashige and Skoog) were taken with different concentrations of carbohydrates, phytohormones and the cyclical supply of the nutrient medium. After the parameter optimization stage, 6 variants of MS culture media (Murashige and Skoog) were selected with different concentrations of carbohydrates, phytohormones and nutrient medium supply cycles.
- Work has begun on optimizing the parameters affecting the formation of microtubers in the bioreactor. For the formation of microtubers, 4 variants of MS nutrient media (Murashige and Skoog) were taken with different concentrations of carbohydrates and phytohormones.
- Work has begun on the selection of components for the bioreactor. Thus, depending on the needs of the farm, the components of the SETIS™ bioreactor were taken. Culture Vessel (SE-CV6); Culture medium vessel (SE-MV4); Screw cap for culture vessel (SE-C80); Screw cap for culture medium vessel (SE-C50); Silicone gasket for culture vessel lid (SE-SG80); Silicone gasket for culture medium vessel lid (SE-SG50); Air filters (SE-F50); Silicone tubes 6/9 mm (SE-ST6).
Results for 2024:
- Optimization of the parameters affecting the formation of microtubers in a bioreactor revealed that the hormone-free nutrient medium (M1) was the best nutrient medium for the formation of microtubers.
- Depending on the needs of the Timur farm, a metal rack with 20 paired bioreactor tanks was assembled, an oil-free air compressor with automatic nutrient supply, flexible plastic hoses for connecting bioreactors, flexible plastic hoses for connecting to the compressor were connected. A passport with an operating manual for the temporary immersion bioreactor was developed and transferred to the Timur farm.
- Training and support for the employees of the Timur farm were provided in working with the bioreactor. The employees of the Timur farm received microtubers in the farm from single-node potato explants in vitro, which will be further used by the farm for propagation and selection.
Publications for 2024 y.
Abstracts of foreign and domestic international conferences:
Volkov D., Daurov D., Daurova A., Sapakhova Z., Shamekova M., Zhambakin K. Use of bioreactor for efficient potato cultivation // Proceedings of the «International conference on plant biology and biotechnology (ICPBB 2024) » June 3-6, 2024 — Almaty, Kazakhstan. P. 171.
Articles in foreign journals:
Daurov D., Daurova A., Sapakhova Z., Kanat R., Akhmetzhanova D., Abilda Z., Toishimanov M., Raissova N., Otynshiyev M., Zhambakin K., Shamekova M. The Impact of the Growth Regulators and Cultivation Conditions of Temporary Immersion Systems (TISs) on the Morphological Characteristics of Potato Explants and Microtubers // Agronomy. – 2024. – Vol. 14(8). – 1782. (IF-3.3, Q1, WoS; Рercentile – 84, Scopus).